Komentar :
Linggar Saputri (08/12/2020 07:31)
pelayanan memuaskan, resepsionisnya ramah, tempat luas, pilihan cardio banyak :)
Valentino Fredo Adi Prastyo (08/12/2020 07:26)
Complete equipment, very spacious place, very friendly employees, sports are comfortable here :)
Adi Pogisalatiga75 (06/06/2020 08:59)
Umar Syarif (29/05/2020 09:55)
the gym is pretty good in my opinion, only the employees who are WOMEN are very unfriendly as if they were mute, put on uncomfortable faces when we come, not welcome at all with a cynical look, it just works just playing cellphone while taking photos / video calls. no initiative to speak.
already know the members are tired of taking the time to fitness after coming home from work, even greeted with a bad taste. look for employees who have attitude. org like that pantes work to be a washer behind the scenes.
Yash Agarwal (10/01/2018 17:17)
May be the best gym in Salatiga
Bayu Octariyanto (18/11/2017 00:43)
Tempat gym rekomen di salatiga, alat lengkap dan suasana seru abis. Pemilik (Hendry) ramah banget dan suka usil ;p
luis adi (08/08/2017 01:41)
mantab saunanya
Denny Hidayat (25/05/2017 07:24)
salah satu tempat yang nyaman untuk kumpul dengan teman2...tempat nya nyaman....alat2 gym nya terlengkap di kota salatiga
bisri hadi (17/05/2017 23:05)
Bagus, harga murah tapi tidak murahan, fasilitas sauna, shower, towel, air minum.. good!!
aldiarnoldi (02/12/2017 03:37)
Tempat paling nyaman untuk fitnes
Kukuh Pambuka Putra (02/09/2017 07:59)
Paling nyaman se salatiga sejauh ini
Fauzi Syahrul Ramadhan (14/04/2017 22:40)
tempatnya cozy dan luas, peralatan lengkap, ada tv dan program muay thai
ryan pratama (15/01/2017 07:54)
Gym murah tp ngga murahan gan..