Komentar :
Edi Karu (07/02/2018 22:07)
Sebulan sekali saya datang ke tempat ini untuk bayar C.U.
Gemboxko Wyntrick 12 (20/05/2017 15:06)
Mboh temen
KissRomy Yulius (10/11/2016 03:48)
eli supriyatno (18/05/2016 12:26)
My office
Yunus Effendi (22/08/2017 08:28)
Trukajaya is a church-based NGO located in Municipality of Salatiga of Central Java province. It was established in year 1966 by Reverend Probowinoto. At the beginning they were focusing on program to eliminate poverty through transmigration (from Central Java to Sumatra), but in early 1990-s, based on their evaluation, they changed their strategy and expand their program not only focusing on economy but also on other social and political issues. As they are located in rural areas where the soil is good for agriculture, their program are focusing more on agriculture and specifically organic agriculture with the target groups mostly youth and women. Other programs are on biogas, organic certification and microfinance. Related to religion issue, they are promoting religion dialogue and development for youth and women.