Komentar :
Hari Budiyanto (09/05/2018 09:10)
Nice place.
Hendro Mijen (25/03/2018 15:27)
Good job
Genoveva Lidwina (09/03/2018 03:42)
maybe someday UMKM Jateng can be such a interesting place for someone to visit there
Fosa Sarassina (16/11/2017 04:01)
The right place to find good quality leather bag, Batik clothes (designed to moden style) and to find local food such as Lumpia and Bandeng Juwana. It also has a caffe so people can have comfortable chat while drinking coffe.
Eri Oktiana (06/02/2017 03:05)
Arrini Embroid produce shoes and sandals with material kudus handmade embroid
Come and choose our product in our store at UMKM Center Jawa Tengah Semarang
Bastanta Lubis (02/01/2017 13:03)
I was thinking there be a lot souvenir or local food there, but some of Tennant already closed such as bakso tahu Bu pudji
Muhammad Rifqi (07/08/2017 08:04)
Very strategic. It provides suvenir, snacks etc.
Iilyad Reykjavik (03/07/2017 09:46)
So empty.
Erwin Panigoro (06/03/2017 07:14)
Good place for micro and small business.
Mark Wood (23/01/2017 02:45)
Nothing here but a couple small batik shops and a cafe. Don't waste your time.
Mradipto Notosapoetro (11/09/2016 12:20)
Many to get only in this place.
Yustinus Suryanto (15/08/2016 13:44)
Ada caffe yg bisa untuk hang out bersama.
Mayurashop tantilestari (08/08/2016 07:45)
UMKM center adalah tempat/ rumah untuk UKM di Provinsi Jateng, ada kegiatan konsultasi untuk UKM, display produk, seminar atau workshop. Bagi yang luar semarang tolong perhatikan jalan ya, karena untuk jalan ini nomernya tidak urut. dekat sekali dengan sukun, tinggal nyebrang
Dwi Septia (02/06/2016 09:48)
Pusat perbelanjaan oleh-oleh khas Semarang, Jawa Tengah.
Shah Rukhan (15/05/2016 12:06)
Produk MENTARI Snack tersedia di sini
Soni Irawan Jatmika (27/03/2016 16:24)
Bisa mengakomodir oleh2 khas semarang jadi satu tempat gitu,