Komentar :
Okva Harin (24/05/2018 14:10)
Family friendly, lot of food. Get budget mini vacation here
Lubna Lutfiah (23/04/2018 09:35)
Nice place with children with alot of game
Riska Yunita (13/04/2018 01:40)
Tempat main keluarga yang enak, anak2 bisa main mobil2an kecil, orang tua bisa bersantai, tempatnya kalo udah malem rada kotor, belum ada kesadaran dari pengunjung untuk buang sampah di tempatnya :( tapi emang tempat sampahnya kurang banyak sih, bisa diperbanyak dan diletakan ditempat strategis. Dan disini ada wifinya
Tita Chen (10/04/2018 10:37)
Soree" kalo mau jajan ato sekedang nongkrong bisaa kesini loh. Rame banyak yg jualan makanan ato jajanan dan ada tempat bermain untuk anak" dan lapangan voli
Dina Fadiah (31/03/2018 13:23)
It used to be a "meh" place but I'm glad that the government made it more lively. I like being alone but I still like the vibe in this place. Visit it on Saturday night might be the best time if you want to see the lively vibe I'm talking about 😊
Nediana Sarrasanti (28/03/2018 03:32)
nice ambience in saturday night and sunday morning. a lot of food stalls and games. but a bit scary in weekdays especially night in some spot. found a group of man looking at me and my friends while we sit there.
Margareta Pramono (14/02/2018 04:01)
A place for doing exercise or just hanging out and enjoying fine afternoon before dusk comes.
albert andrew (09/01/2018 12:48)
parking lot good, cozy place
wi-fi is available from goverment
Omar Aria (05/12/2017 00:53)
It's super cheap place to bring kids for a go-kart ride
Fauza Alfisyahrin (01/12/2017 02:06)
A place in Tembalang where you can get some nice chat chat and play with your friends
Nurul Hidayati (15/11/2017 23:33)
Kids friendly. T junction tirto agung near ADA supermarket
Wiratno Erfina (18/10/2017 04:19)
Good playground for children, there is culinary center to, and Gerobak Batja for free. My kids love it very much
Angga Gunawan (09/09/2017 08:23)
Public area is wide enough. There is a playground for children, culinary centers and sellers of used goods. parking is quite wide.
Mario Yap (09/09/2017 03:46)
Well maintained public park... Need more of park like this in semarang
BiometriX Data Solution (05/09/2017 01:59)
Good free wi-fi, ordinary snacks
Anastasia Yulianti (30/08/2017 04:08)
The park is quite spacious. There is a jogging track. There is a seat when we tired after jogging. Limited parking space. Many food and beverage and children's games, especially in sunday. There is placw to read book for free in sunday morning (Gerobak Batja). Free wifi...
BigBro (14/06/2017 10:56)
facilities: rest room, jogging track, playground, wall climb, volley area, sitting chair, culinary
Evan Dewangga (07/06/2017 03:07)
Place to enjoy your spare time with family on your free time, the best park so far in Tembalang-Banyumanik area.
Eneas (28/05/2017 09:20)
The best park in Tembalang area, South Semarang. Things to do are enjoy the kid's amusements, jogging, eat some snacks, and enjoy the nice afternoon vibes. No littering, please
Siwilih Nurdayati (19/05/2017 03:15)
Untuk saat ini satu-satunya tempat di sekitaran Banyumanik yang rekomended buat bermain bareng anak2 yang murah meriah. Banyak mainan outdoor dan beberapa vendor makanan kecil.
Retno Damayanti (28/04/2017 13:51)
So far its the best and (maybe) the only open space around banyumanik,tembalang, and pedalangan area. U can do many activity there such as jogging, futsal, relaxing, etc. There are couple of street food seller and when it comes to the weekend this place become very crowded of them. There r couple of community gather around here On sunday morning.
Anang Rizki (20/04/2017 03:14)
One of the not so many open public spaces available. Plenty of food vendors, cozy atmosphere.
Yuni S Tika (02/04/2017 14:12)
Lovely outdoor place. You can bring your childrens here.
Julius Ardiles (17/03/2017 18:19)
If you search for a open space for your activity (such as gathering, sporting , or just relaxing and enjoying some afternoon) this is a perfect place for do that...Besides offers nice park and a basketball, futsal, and volley field, this park also offers you many food and drink vendors around its area.
Katarina Aprila Hadriani (12/02/2017 16:07)
Just citypark with his green zone
experia arc15 (08/02/2017 04:37)
Nice & best playing ground, kinder, childs play, and sure FREE wifi for everyone.......Love it....
Ida Riseyo (03/02/2017 14:28)
Free wifi hehehe
Febriant Argadie (23/10/2016 13:59)
It's should be adapted like thematic park in Bandung. Perhaps
Adityamurti Wardhanu (02/10/2016 15:08)
Andalan di waktu sore..main mobil2an
Januar Arif Fatkhurrahman (08/09/2016 23:35)
Good place for kids playing, but too much rubbish
ANDRY SURYA SETIAWAN (15/08/2016 08:21)
Deket rumah..
jujujuprii (14/08/2016 18:51)
Best thing : ada 2 pokestop di sini
Mohammad Arkham Chadiar Jantra (12/06/2016 10:46)
Great place for ruining our time~
Arwan Sutanto (22/05/2016 01:49)
Cocok buat momong meskipun pada malem minggu terasa sangat crowded
Ahadin Fahmi (17/03/2016 15:02)
Public space in Tembalang area, Semarang. Good place for family.