Komentar :
Ima Setiawati (30/12/2017 07:38)
Favourite tahu baxo ever!
indra setyawan (05/10/2017 08:34)
the most delicious tahu baxo. very recommended.
Dhany Ahmad (18/09/2017 07:01)
The tahu baxo taste is very good. The resto menu is good.
Lala 1704 (14/07/2017 01:07)
There is a restaurant here but i think the price of tahu baxo too expensive hhhhe
Agung Harwijaya (05/07/2017 13:16)
The bakso is good and the place is clean. The service was okay and big parking lot. Suitable for family. There are toddler play area. Recommend place to eat when you go to ungaran beside sate pak kempleng
sabrina arum (02/07/2017 02:11)
Rasanya enak, lain drpd yg lain...tp kalau hari libur, siap ajah antri dari pagi...😣
Citra Dewi (23/05/2017 15:07)
Since I'm in junior high school until now Im on my way to get my bachelor degree the taste is the same and really delicious. The most delicious and fresh tahu baxo in semarang. You can eat it with a raw green chilli or a soysauce chilly and it taste super goood, Thanks
Yuliana nirmala sari (01/05/2017 09:58)
Good place for you who want to buy local snack (Tahu Bakso). It provide restroom and mushala as well.
Eka Aris Al Rosyid (18/03/2017 13:21)
Tahu bakso legend nih. Ga tau yang pertama di ungaran atau tidak, tp dr dulu (dr zaman lom punya outlet besar dan megah) udah langganan.
Nurcahya Pradana Taufik Prakisya (08/03/2017 04:48)
Tempat belanja oleh-oleh khas Semarang. Terkenal akan tahu baksonya yang lezat. Selain itu ada pula oleh-oleh lain semarang dan sekitarnya seperti bandeng presto, enting-enting, rolade, dan lain-lain dengan harga yang pas.
Farrah Muthrafah (12/02/2017 02:06)
clean and quick serve
Galaxi Running (04/02/2017 05:42)
Tahu baksonya top.
Mie baksonya jg enak
Wanda Hazman (05/01/2017 13:46)
Must try when you visit Ungaran. Fresh and delicious tahu bakso ever!
Bandrek Premium (13/10/2016 06:26)
Tempat cukup memuaskan, tersedia macam 2 kuliner dan oleh-oleh makanan cemilan dari hasil olahan mitra UMKM Kab. Semarang. Merupakan wujud kerjasama dan kepedulian sesama mitra usaha.
Jaimy Azle (19/08/2016 23:39)
Please confirm for deletion, this place is duplicate with "TAHUBAXO Ibu Pudji & Resto" of which is correct location than this. This place misslead travelers going to "Bebek Goreng Pak Ndut" rather to its origin place.
dyah setyo rahayu (09/06/2016 08:03)
Mushohihul Khasanat (08/08/2016 06:34)
Tahu baksonya mantap, oleh-oleh lainnya pun lengkap
ardi wisaksono (28/05/2016 01:15)
Tempat yg nyaman. Tersedia paket oleh2 yg dikemas agar mudah di bawa. Ada resto yg menyajikan masakan lezat. Pelayanan baik. Parkir lumayan luas.
Eko Sudaryanto (02/08/2015 10:06)
Nikmatttt sekaliiii