Komentar :
Melati Kusuma (07/11/2018 16:53)
murah dan lumayan lengkap, memenuhi kebutuhan alat tulis saya sejak sd-kuliah
Kris 5217 (27/04/2018 14:23)
such a stationery shop which sell soo complete stufd, pen, pencil, books, papers, scissors, many kinds of glue, crayon, color pensil, socks, sterofoam, tumblr, eva matt, stick, ribbon, many kinds of decorations stuff, mirror, toys, hand carft stuff, books, parfum, even slime, balls, scout stuff, etc etc... so many things, because this place is so complete! the parking era is not free, but its cheap.. and, the price is sooo affordable! try to compare with another shop and you will suprise! ho ho ho..
Rifqi Ramadhani Muhammad (14/08/2017 05:17)
place we buy ant tools for writing, crafting, painting as much as we can
Bella Monica (04/08/2017 14:12)
Great place for searching stuff with cheap price 👍
Stanley Alpha (10/06/2017 10:32)
Got the typical stationary, normal price. The service is also not bad.
Jessu Okriandinata (27/04/2017 05:48)
Good and completed stationery and book store in Tembalang and Banyumanik area. It selling much of school tools, office equipment, and the other stationery devices with the lower prices.
Fransis (20/04/2017 02:11)
Good stationary and book store.The price is affordable.Accessible.
Ronny Istrada (18/12/2017 22:07)
ATK terlengkap di area semarang atas.
Putri Nadiyya (30/07/2017 13:09)
Jual alat tulis lengkap..keperluan pramuka..seragam sekolah..deket tempat fotokopi dan parkirny gampang.
handoko widjaja (20/05/2017 04:57)
Mau nawarin lakban
Fransis AF (20/04/2017 02:11)
Good stationary and book store.The price is affordable.Accessible.
Rahadyan Wishnu Byantoro (14/03/2017 20:54)
Lengkap bet dah, coba cari disini alat kuliah ada semua kayaknya, recomended
Desty Duaide (04/03/2017 13:05)
Lengkap pake banget utk anda yg cari perlengkapan sekolah kuliah kerja (ATK) lah! Kumplittt
Retno Damayanti (09/12/2016 23:02)
Menyediakan alat tulis dan kebutuhan sekolah, kuliah, dan perkantoran lainnya. Satu dari bbrapa toko alat tulis terlengkap d tembalang
Santo Zaq (04/10/2016 00:28)
Lengkap dan murah
Evan Dewangga (06/09/2015 11:20)
One of the most complete stationery in Tembalang area. Recommended store, especially for Undip's student who needs office supplies and equipment.
Syarif Hidayat (24/08/2016 16:43)
lumayan lengkap
Faqih Bachtiar (28/06/2016 11:56)
sip banget
Shabrina Gardayudia (15/06/2016 08:13)
Lengkap dan murah
Putranto Adhi Nugroho (16/11/2015 17:10)
Toko alat tulis yang lumayan lengkap