Komentar :
prana ningrum (07/03/2018 05:26)
salah satu smp terbaik di kota salatiga. smp yang mencetak siswa-siswi unggulan
Ayusy PedoPanda (17/02/2018 04:00)
Sekolah yang pernah kulalui dengan penuh dengan suka cita dan perjuangan.
Bertemu teman yang luar biasa.
Bertemu guru yang luar biasa.
Juga tata tertib yang luar biasa.
Di sini dibiasakan menyapa semua guru atau staf saat berpapasan.
Membuang sampah pada tempatnya.
Sebuah kebiasaan baik.
Indhira Putri Pamungkas (21/11/2017 05:35)
Our beloved junior high school
Arie Zona (16/09/2017 11:43)
My Almamater.... 1998-2001 (1F-2A-3E)
High Quality School
A Glenn (23/06/2017 05:20)
Very well known junior high school in Salatiga. The students of this school has achieved many awards on several contests and olympiads, and the quality of the school has been improved. Many parts of the school has been renovated or made since I was in that school.
khanah prabawati (23/08/2017 16:41)
Sekolah yang bagus, nomor 1 di salatiga dan menjadi sekolah rujukan
Danar Ku (04/08/2017 23:43)
Sekolah ku
Arif Kurniawan (25/06/2017 23:21)
SMP tempat saya sekolah. SMP terbaik di kota Salatiga
AG (23/06/2017 05:20)
Very well known junior high school in Salatiga. The students of this school has achieved many awards on several contests and olympiads, and the quality of the school has been improved. Many parts of the school has been renovated or made since I was in that school.
Dwi Sulistyo Nugroho (28/01/2017 04:29)
Sekolah saya.
Maria Marianti (20/01/2017 08:36)
Sekolah yang bagus, berkualitas, dan terkenal di Kota Salatiga. Lokasi sekolah strategis karena dekat dengan pusat kota.
Marcell Putri (24/11/2016 07:51)
Yeey,,, Grissa!Grissa! teruslah berjaya
Fara Alya Rahma (14/09/2016 13:21)
Grissa! Grissa! Grissa! Dengan Semua Karyanya
Michelle Xuanne (29/07/2015 08:15)
sekolah kerenzz
Elya Brots (24/11/2016 07:51)
Yeey,,, Grissa!Grissa! teruslah berjaya
Mahdan Ardli (27/07/2016 12:22)