Komentar :
Odjar Sarbono (07/02/2020 10:00)
Recommend rent car for colleges students
uranus blanc the traveller (22/10/2019 18:22)
Not recommended!!!
They will ask you to give them your ID card.
Price is good but motorcycles are old and quite dangerous coz the tires need to be renewed.
Reno AlGhazali (07/10/2019 02:38)
Kalo mau rental musti hati hati, pake KK asli mas, Ben aman, bangane ilang 😂😂
teguh priyanto (30/08/2019 13:43)
Banyak pilihan
yoel yonathan (15/05/2018 02:14)
Nice place
Niar Talise (21/05/2016 15:50)
Best place to rent a car and motorcycle.
Bagus Wahyuono (23/07/2019 11:41)
Pertama dikemiri
Wahyudi Santoso (29/05/2019 18:16)
Rental Motor Khusus Mahasiswa,..
Ir Setiyawan (17/05/2019 03:12)
Yudhi Solotigo (19/09/2018 07:13)
TwoRent Salatiga,..Sewa Motor Termurah
Yamsteven 17 (26/02/2018 05:32)
Motor banyak👍, cuma harus rutin service
Lilik Xans (07/02/2018 11:10)
Rental dengan pelayana yang ramah
Riel Mangoki' (24/01/2018 17:19)
Motornya banyak, mobil juga, tapi kalo sabtu minggu kadang kehabisan juga sih, motornya agak kurang dirawat.
Evans Andre (20/08/2016 12:52)
Rental Mobil Dan Motor Harga Mahasiswa,pelayanan ramah.
Hanny Agoes (26/01/2017 14:59)
Mudah untuk rental mobil
Tofik Nuryanto (29/07/2016 15:19)
Andalan buat nyewa motor/mobil di Salatiga.
Milagross Evan (20/08/2016 12:52)
Rental Mobil Dan Motor Harga Mahasiswa,pelayanan ramah.