Komentar :
Fully Haryani (25/08/2020 17:29)
Called to the agent many times every 2-5 minutes 1 hour before the scheduled departure time that has been registered. He said I was late. When traveling, the passenger asked to go to the restroom at the stop and was scolded. When he arrived at the destination city, he was dropped off at the side of the road, in front of the karaoke place, even though he had asked to be dropped off at the terminal, it was again midnight. Repentance!
Mochamad Fahri Fadlu Robbi (17/03/2020 09:03)
Mohon pelayanannya diperhatikan kembali, saya memesan tiket dari terminal banyumanik menuju pahala kencana cimindi (cimahi), namun ternyata bis hanya sampai terminal leuwipanjang
abbas (09/10/2019 07:35)
Deden Ajah (15/08/2019 12:49)
Sangat kecewa saya naik bis ini.. jadwal kumpul jam 18.00 berangkat katanya jam 18.30.. bis ternyata delay baru datang jam 22.00.. kami hrs menunggu 4 jam.. mana bawa anak kecil lagi.. beberapa penumpang jg kasihan ada yg bawa anak2.. alasannya bis diganti krn yg awal bisnya buruk tdk akan kuat bila jalan menanjak.. kacau pokoknya.. saya minta di cancel (agar bisa ganti bis lain).. tdk bisa.. dng alasan tiketnya sdh on line ?... kursi akhirnya ngacak tdk sesuai.. masa anak hrs terpisah dng ibunya ?. untung ada bapak yg mau memberikan tempat duduk.. keneknya pakai marah2 pula.. (pelayanan yg ga sopan), hrs nya kami2 ini yg marah.. eeh ngerokok pula itu si supir dan kenek nya.. padahal bis menggunakan ac.. kapok pokoknya pake bis ini.. awalnya jg pihak agen mau menaikkan harga sepihak dr deal awal 180k.. katanya ada kenaikan jadi 190k.. saya tdk mau.. akhirnya tetap 180k.. amburadul..
Akang Deni (15/08/2019 12:49)
I was very disappointed I took this bus .. the schedule of gathering at 18.00 left he said at 18:30 .. the bus turned out to just arrive at 22:00 .. we had to wait 4 hours .. where to bring another child .. some passengers also felt sorry for someone to bring children. the reason the bus is replaced is because the initial bad bus will not be strong if the road is uphill ... chaotic anyway ... I ask to be canceled (in order to be able to change to another bus) ... cannot ... with the reason the ticket is already on line? ... the final seat randomize inappropriate ... childhood should be separated from his mother? fortunately there are fathers who want to provide a seat .. the boss uses it too furious .. (service is not polite), we must be the ones who are angry ... eeh smoking is also the driver and his kenek ... even though the bus uses ac ... kapok anyway use this bus .. initially the agent wanted to increase the price of one side from the initial deal 180k .. he said there was an increase to 190k .. I didn't want to .. finally it remained 180k .. chaotic ..
Chrisna Dwi (05/07/2019 16:15)
Harga tiket di online sama ditempat ini berbeda jauh, kemudian tidak dikasih tiket asli
Didim Prihadi (18/12/2018 15:01)
Tidak bisa booking lewat telepon. Karena booking harus bayar tiket secara cash.
MTarip Saepudin (22/10/2018 03:50)
Nomer yg dihubungi ternyata bukan agen pahala
Albert J. Rinekso (22/02/2018 10:06)
tidak bisa melayani pembelian via telepon ternyata.. :(
isti_tm taurina (13/09/2018 06:41)
nomer bukan agen pahala