Komentar :
Amanda Fanya (10/09/2020 15:37)
At that time I met a sick cat and both of his eyes had white membranes. I thought at first it was because of worms, but after a while the blood came out. I asked for a recommendation from a veterinary clinic and my friends suggested that I come here. The doctor was very friendly and explained the condition of my cat in detail, I also entrusted my cat to be hospitalized here for 4 days to get further treatment. Four days later when I wanted to take the cat, my cat looked healthy and the doctor cleaned it too so that the hair was whiter. The doctor really controlled my cat to recover quickly and gave me directions on treating the cat.
The clinic is clean and doesn't smell bad (even though there are many other cats), for the price I admit it is very affordable for me with very satisfying handling. When consulting via WhatsApp, the doctor was very friendly. We recommend that those who want to visit the clinic can make an appointment with the doctor first.
Today (10/09) my cat can see again even with one eye. Thank you Doctor, I hope you are always healthy.
Nindya Dhisa (30/05/2020 09:03)
I have had my cat's surgery in 2015, the uterus was removed, only tied, I will do it. Because I trusted the doctor, after I found out it was dangerous to cause pyometra, and it was true that my cat got pyometra. I have been sterile with a cheap fee (because the stitches burst so I paid again) and now I still have to operate again because the previous 5th operation was not right. In the past I also criticized the grooming that was very friendly service because my cat came home grooming like a traumatized fear, I tried to talk nicely with polite language but the response was good. I don't know what to say. Hopefully it is blessed!!!
Satria Ardi Putra (12/05/2020 14:37)
Bulan puasa jam 21.05, klinik memang tutup lebih awal saat magrib.. tp di klinik ada tulisan "jika mendesak, rumah dokter di depan"
Saya mohon minta dilihat sebentar anjing saya
Dan ternyata dokter nya tidak urusan
Buat apa ada tulisan itu woy
Dan anda itu dokter hewan, koq ga sayang nyawa hewan, parah
fitriani ningsihwati (10/03/2020 09:10)
Dokternya ramah n pelayanan ok...si endut, si bengal bucin n si jj cek kesehatan n berobat kesini, next week jatah si endut vaksin????
devina ana (22/01/2020 16:15)
Disa deh (17/01/2020 19:37)
Farras Naufal M (24/07/2019 02:17)
Good ver
Djarwanto 1234 (27/11/2019 05:48)
Sangat ramah dan enak diajak diskusi......
Dwi Sukma (02/10/2019 16:06)
Dokternya ramah....
herlina yuliyanti (27/08/2019 04:18)
Dokternya ramah,, pengobatannya mantap,, ga pelit ilmu,, mau diajak sharing,, tempat kliniknya juga nyaman.. jos banget 😊recommended buat kalian para pecinta binatang .. 😉
Shaumi Yuliati (25/07/2019 15:46)
Senangsekali lihat reaksi dokter yang cepat tanggap, supel dan ramah. Suka berbagi ilmu, tp sayang kitten ku mati, coz dehidrasi. Telat bawa ke dokternya
Ays Faricha (03/07/2019 11:30)
Dokternya ramah💕 alhamdulillah kucingku udah mulai membaik
Nurhijrah Muhammad (08/05/2019 05:43)
Alhamdulillah si Tung dah lbh sehat
Dody Mukti Wibowo (19/03/2019 08:27)
,kucingku udah parah banget kondisinya, sembuh berkat saya opname seminggu di Dr. endah. Trims banget Dok!!
Rinda Yusuf Dinanisas Rahma (29/04/2018 11:36)
Primas Agustina (14/04/2018 04:42)
Dokternya baik2,harganya juga reasonable,lokasi gampang dicari juga
Deket sama apotek juga,jadi gampanv nebus obatnya
lucky ariyani (10/02/2018 10:42)
Tarif terjangkau
pandappink _ (26/01/2018 02:16)
Dokter ramah, lokasi agak susah di cari karena di tengah perumahan. But it's ok lah.
Nandari Ayuk (05/11/2017 15:12)
Terimakasih dok..
Andrianto Yuwono (30/06/2017 11:23)
Dokternya ramah
Putri Relinsa (05/11/2017 15:12)
Terimakasih dok..
Oktanastia Mahardani (23/07/2017 14:40)
Pelayanan yg memuaskan
Wahyu Muadi (25/02/2017 06:06)
Klinik hewan kesayangan
Indah Agustina (29/01/2017 23:06)
Ramah dan kekeluargaan