Komentar :
dzikru ismail (22/04/2018 12:10)
Eazy dining, good chicken, but check your order again if you buying take away, I ordered 6 OR they replaced 2 off it whit drumsticks
Adam Firdaus (25/02/2018 11:31)
kaya kfc
Johan Efendi (08/02/2018 07:56)
Nice place to get fast food while on the trip semarang to solo or instead
Maria Elok (29/12/2017 09:25)
Easy to visit this place. And comfort parking area
Novi Nilamsari (12/12/2017 05:48)
Good enough, but i'd like to choose one with bigger space
Ayu Sarjono (27/11/2017 03:47)
Not so different from the other outlet, but still comfortable. Will be perfect if they hired non-squidward-faced employees especially at the order desk LOL
lismaokta fikriyani (10/11/2017 12:32)
Nice resto to get fast food
yoanna kristia (28/08/2017 11:25)
Kfc hot and cheesy nya kejunya kurang
yohan rahmat santosa (25/06/2017 12:34)
Good place but the parking area is limited...
Ign.Cahyo Widodo (24/06/2017 12:26)
Easy to find, good service, adequate parking space
Kevin Ahimsa (16/06/2017 14:35)
Better than nothing. So much better than nothing
Alex Forester (04/06/2017 13:08)
Nice kfc
ari widodo (22/04/2017 21:37)
fauzan advantage (23/03/2017 11:08)
Nice, this KFC at unggaran city
Arya Galih Priyangga (05/02/2017 12:48)
Albert Hernando (15/12/2016 02:24)
This KFC is smaller than others.
Jaimy Azle (13/08/2016 06:40)
KFC is common might be for everyone. A good alternative place for travelers for lunch, or takeaway.
Masrukin nikursaM™ (29/05/2016 07:38)
dhinaret 1782 (21/04/2016 21:40)
Andy Alfriyanto (03/10/2016 02:53)
Ada tambahan tempat makan...tp tempatnya kecil walaupun mudah dijangkau karena dipinggir jalan raya sebelah gapura UNDARIS...sayang banyak menu yg tidak tersedia seperti di KFC lain...selamat mencoba
Alven Resta (16/09/2016 05:13)
Pelayanannya inkonsisten. Kadang baik kadang buruk. Menu standar, tapi kadang gramasi ayam kurang dari KFC-KFC lainnya. Untuk sundae coklat, selalu dikasih coklat sedikit, beda jauh dari KFC lain.
Desty Amanda (19/08/2016 15:35)
Tempatnya sempit
Radhitia Wicaksana (09/05/2016 13:02)
Nambah tongkrongan