Komentar :
Hadi Sutrisno (01/03/2018 04:03)
agus setiawan (25/02/2018 03:41)
Booking service
Ronald Sebastian (18/02/2018 16:04)
Test drive
Rahmat Semarang (03/02/2018 16:29)
Top yes
Raymond Purnomo (13/01/2018 05:07)
The place is good and the sales marketing is kind too
Ignatius Victorinus Wahyu Dewanto (28/04/2017 12:29)
Comfortable place
I've just got my car serviced last Wednesday.
I had to wait for about three hours. So I opened my book & my laptop, continued my work, accessed internet through free WiFi.
I also got served with a cup of hot tea.
It was a pleasant moment
el fachry (28/09/2017 12:22)
Lihat2 dl aja... Siapa tahu bs bawa pulang
indro bass (18/08/2017 15:07)
Cepat ramah cakep
Anjar Puspito (11/06/2017 06:35)
Perumahan ghl sepi enak dekat jl. Raya mushola nya bagus dan dekat pasar
Dian Rakhmawati (09/02/2017 12:55)
Pelayanannya ramah,cepat,tempatnya nyaman,ada free wifi dan dapat gratisan minum 2 teh botol😘
superberdikari gps tracker semarang (17/01/2017 04:45)
Astra Daihatsu
Tri Bagas (23/08/2016 17:04)
Bangunan sangat besar dan modern. Tempat parkir luas. Berada tidak jauh dengan pasar karangayu.
heryanto indra (20/08/2015 08:44)
kurnia tamim (12/02/2015 01:10)