Komentar :
WidyA SuliS (29/05/2018 04:39)
Ayam gepraknya enak.. Porsi gak terlalu banyak.. Harga standar-lah.. Es teh-nya enak (berasa tehnya, manisnya pas), soup-nya seger dan rasanya simple..
Ada 3 cabang Geprak Bang Topan yaaa..
1. Kemiri (belakang SMA N 1 Salatiga)
2. Kemiri, depan Masjid apa gt aku lupa (dan aku jg blm prnh ksna 😁✌)
3. Ruko Pancasila, Jl. Brigjend Sudiarto, depan Gereja.
Menu lain jg enak"..
Kentang Goreng (french fries) yg dikasi toping susu n keju, sosis bakar, roti bakar, dan masih banyak yg lainnya..
Oh iya, ada juga kulit ayam krispi, brocoli n jamur krispi, rica" ayam jg ada loh (enaaakkk bgt.. Rempahnya terasa..)
Melia Wijaya (02/04/2018 23:03)
One of the place that I miss from Salatiga. The ayam geprek is really addictive. I still can't find the same taste as this one.
Dionisius Tri (14/01/2018 10:49)
Cozy place nice meal
Zulfia Muftiarizqi (05/01/2018 22:22)
I love spicy food so this one is very very recommended lah.
Iwan Setyawan (08/07/2017 07:22)
The price is just right and the food is good. Perfect for you spicy food masochists.
Tesalonika Kembuan (19/06/2017 13:36)
Perfect place for spicy chicken lovers. It's Spicy, crunchy, and yummy.
Rizky Hartanto (08/07/2017 16:30)
cozy place, a bit pricey
rendrah kalalo (31/03/2017 12:11)
Delicious, Cheap, and NIce place
Faith- (11/03/2017 14:01)
Best ayam geprek i've ever taste on this city
bramaputra (27/12/2016 17:14)
Have a great taste but the service is not friendly.
rendi samosir (25/07/2016 08:47)
Cozy place
Osin Hoo (12/07/2016 15:54)
So nyam" ayam gepraknya. Tp parkir mobil minim sangat menurut saya, yg perlu di rombak nih tmpt parkir mbl
Hosea Ismanto (07/07/2016 09:44)
nice place
Evans Andre (23/08/2016 05:41)
Gepraknya enak !
Theodorus Olwyn (21/08/2016 06:29)
Nice food tertuama ayam gepraknya enak banget
Vonna Setiawati (18/06/2016 08:41)
Pedes nampoolll.... yummy...