Komentar :
Tabitha Tyas (01/06/2018 07:43)
Murah. Tp klo pas tanggal muda antrinya ga kuatin
Agus Sugito (02/05/2018 04:01)
Anything you want you can find here like clothes, food and drink, game zone, and also your house need.
Intan Permata (04/04/2018 06:49)
This is a nice place to shop. But sometimes it is not up to date.
Novi Nilamsari (07/03/2018 02:00)
Goof things with good price, but you need to be smart costumer
Andri Anto (05/03/2018 18:31)
A place to shopping family needed with lowest price ( I guess)
Dominic Murphy (28/01/2018 06:53)
Poor service need more customer care training
Sefty Hanida Fitriyani (21/01/2018 01:29)
They sell quite cheap price to clothes, food, snacks, make ups, etc.
Yuthiika Laili (15/10/2017 06:42)
Low budget shopping
Amadeus Bayu (08/10/2017 09:56)
Bad parking service
Mp Poernomo (17/09/2017 04:58)
We find with different price in your cashier.
383hemicuda (01/09/2017 14:38)
The grocery store was ok, the department store was all clothing.
Ayu Sarjono (26/08/2017 05:19)
Lots of promo especially for baby-infant-toddler formula, the best price.
Bram Shaikul (21/08/2017 05:33)
Gita Prasetiani (15/07/2017 13:38)
Plis deh... kasir sama pramuniaganya yang ramah... masa mo bayar pake kartu debit aja suruh ambil uang tunai dlu d atm, padahal kan disitu mesin EDCnya ada banyak... 😒😒😒
Dafa Faiz (01/07/2017 12:33)
Wah supermarket yg memberikan game yg seru karna saya baru umur 11 tahun
Eka Aris Al Rosyid (17/03/2017 01:56)
Penataan etalasenya masih terlihat semrawut, apalagi swalayannya, jarak antar etalase sangat sempit, harus senggol kanan kiri, SIKUT kanan kiri kalo mo nglewati orang2 yg sedang milih n ngambil belanjaan.
Mas Handi (02/02/2017 08:15)
Supermarket yg menyediakan segala kebutuhan rumah tangga kuliner dll.
Andy Alfriyanto (18/12/2016 06:25)
Ramai...buat belanja bulanan..ada permainan di lantai 2..buat anak-anak...
Mauren Fitri ID (19/10/2016 02:41)
You can get all the grocery items here, with a fairly cheap price!
Kang Tro Mahesa (16/10/2016 13:50)
Eko Apriyadi (06/09/2016 08:28)
Swalayan yang lumayan lengkap serta beragam pilihan harga tersedia disini.