Komentar :
Yoris Anthe (11/05/2018 01:54)
Lumayan untuk ukuran kantong sales...
mohammad hans (21/02/2018 09:41)
Penginapan pinggir sungai di kota sanggau
Dwi Novita sari (05/01/2018 05:51)
Resepsionisnya ramah, fasilitas sesuai dengan harga
Lucky Star Litanto (08/12/2017 10:16)
Nyaman, bersih n adem
Yesi Januarianti (23/09/2017 16:24)
Karena murah
Eka Chandra (11/08/2017 01:15)
worst hotel. we booked the executive one, but the room's so dirty, Air Con doesnt work, dirty bathroom, even the shower doesnt work for hours.