Komentar :
rio dermawan (15/05/2018 14:55)
Bern Sia (20/03/2018 11:38)
Supermarket selling stuff at reasonable prices
Zen Chung Leong (30/01/2018 19:44)
ABUcho (29/11/2017 13:43)
Good, lots of choices and affordable prices
Eric Bong (18/09/2017 15:32)
easy to access...
george lau (04/06/2017 16:25)
Originally it was a grocery shop known as Chop Hon Lee, relocated here from old Batu Kawah bazaar in early 70s.
ABGAZER ABNAS (28/09/2017 16:43)
Timur Kiyivinski (13/03/2017 14:47)
One of the older H&Ls
Yut Tung Wong (01/03/2017 02:55)
Reasonable price and wide range of products