Komentar :
Resty Rosalinda (20/03/2018 13:42)
Good campus
Wahyu Nahdianto (14/10/2017 18:20)
Previously named IKIP Surabaya, then renamed the State University of Surabaya (Universitas Negeri Surabaya/Unesa). Then the university develops new buildings on a new campus in a large land in Lidahwetan.
Ria Pratiwi (26/09/2017 22:52)
Good campus, unfortunately it's a bit dusty because some of on going construction.
Rivaldi Cesanosa (29/06/2017 07:31)
The campus is very large, located in west of Surabaya, so close to Citraland area
Aiken Kurniawan (07/04/2017 23:35)
Good university that focus on sports and technical but it lack of hygine and maintenance.
Nurma Orfa Dewi (27/08/2017 13:44)
Yang awalnya di gedung A1 sekarang pindah di gedung E1, lebih luas
Sunarto sby (31/03/2017 08:18)