Komentar :
muslimatul khoiriyah (31/05/2018 14:25)
Tempat nyaman, bersih, kalo pagi dan sore aering dipakai buat jogging, enak buat kumpul2, tapi kalo pas panas, panas banged, klo malam agak gelap banyak nyamuk tp tetap jadi tempat yang bagus buat sekedar menikmati suasana danau 😅
Haris (13/05/2018 10:46)
cocok untuk nongkrong anak muda atai sekedar olahraga dekat masjid bisa sholat
wahyu herlambang (11/05/2018 07:06)
Tempat Nongkrong Utk Remaja & Mahasiswa Muda Jaman Sekarang...
siska anggraini putri (21/03/2018 02:21)
Kalau pagi atau sore bisa dibuat olahraga sambil memberi makan ikan dan angsa. Asri. Bisa buat photo2 juga
Latif Ariyanto (21/01/2018 23:24)
Enak untuk temoat olahraga pagi dan sore. Terkadang masih ada sampah dri pengunjung yg kurang peduli. Sebaiknya ditambah tong sampah yg tersedia d tempat ini
Rezza Aulia (06/01/2018 10:54)
Maybe I'll said that this place is the center of state university of surabaya ketintang campus. Why? Because most of people come here at the dawn to just hang out or chill out after a busy day or a hectic exam week for relaxing their mind and body. Meanwhile some people just walking or jogging. 🙄I hope they will keep this place clean too, cause I still see some trash not on the right place 😂
Robby Andi (31/12/2017 11:03)
Great places to relax after high tension of study, there was lot of koi fish on this artificial lake.
Wahyu Nahdianto (01/12/2017 06:06)
Lake in the campus complex of the State University of Surabaya. There are mosques and cafes in front. Good for chatting with friends.
mas wahjoe (01/12/2017 23:56)
Ika Nurrohmah (29/11/2017 02:30)
Kalau malam jadi horor
Mauli Agusti Ratih Astari (14/09/2017 22:47)
, termasuk danau kecil tapi Nyaman. Dekat masjid dan Food court. Jadi tidak perlu kawatir kalau lapar dan waktunya sholat.
Arthano Wibowo (02/09/2017 02:41)
Danaunya adem, asri..
Misbach Cakbecks (22/08/2017 05:04)
Pemandangan yg lumayan segar dtengah kota,tepatny ddalam area kampus unesa
arinta purwanti (10/05/2017 17:02)
nyaman sejuk bisa menghirup udara segar