Komentar :
Renaldo Augusta (11/05/2018 18:49)
cocok untuk duduk2 sore.. jalan keliling taman nginjak batu buat terapi.. uda ada toiletnya sekarang.. airmancur jg.. tempat yg menyenangkan untuk merefresh pikiran sejenak 😊
adis purwonoko (18/04/2018 02:49)
bagus tamannya walaupun gak begitu luas.. ada kerikil buat terapi telapak kaki..
kencana energy (17/02/2018 03:24)
Nice place for enjoiying the city
aim saif (10/01/2018 18:05)
i love this place, so comfortable and every sunday morning has event such as aerobic. you also can massage your foot on stones massage. trust me, you will feel better and healthier even rather hurt.
Keluarga Pelancong (18/09/2017 11:39)
Shady, sometimes crowded. In the evening, there's some food stalls fo nasi goreng, bakmi goreng, bakso. Cheap foods.
Zheng Ougrh (15/08/2017 10:16)
Green Vegetations, Trees, neatly trimmed shurbs, small fountain pool giving more calming fresh air
Surrounded by beautiful neighboring houses & restaurants, hotels
Budiono Sukses (29/07/2017 02:49)
Beautiful garden with many trees and a fountain in the middle of it. There is also a walk area with small stone for foot nerve reflexion
Jevan Nurandi (26/10/2017 15:53)
Small place but it's very fresh.
Ari Karishma (22/04/2017 09:01)
A great breakfast is sold here and a fresh air you can get in surabaya city
indra susanto (20/04/2017 04:03)
A nice place to have a rest and enjoy the fresh air from the plants. The reflexology paths are fun to walk on.
arief budiman (17/04/2017 18:56)
Great park for rest in mid day and take a break
Dian Permatasari (08/04/2017 12:48)
Small place but many beautiful flowers grow here. Nice for jogging but better under 7 AM, at busy hours many transportations pollution can unpleasant you
Slamet Riadi (13/03/2017 07:21)
Great place
Erik Tri (22/01/2017 08:41)
Beautiful scenery and fountain esecially at night
Nurasa Sicantique (06/01/2017 05:34)
Great place
Ganies Rengganies (10/11/2016 03:31)
suami sayank.....i love u...
arisandi patria (09/10/2016 11:07)
A great park with some kind of refreshing area such as reflection walk path, kid playground
Agung Nursabil (21/08/2016 09:30)
Suasana nyaman, tumbuhan hijau dan rindang. Banyak tempat untuk terapi, jadi jika ingin sehat tinggal kesini. Lakukan treatmen yang tersedia di taman ini, contohnya jalan diatas batu krikil. Cuma kurang luas aja.
Arif Abdurrahman (11/08/2016 07:59)
Tempat yg enak buat santai sore atau malam hari
Hanif Rusdiansyah (10/08/2016 15:09)
via eyin (06/08/2016 13:19)
Atas kerja keras Ibu Wali Kota Surabaya IBU RISMA, Surabaya sekarang tiap sudut kota menjadi taman yg hijau jg d kasih tmpt bermain. Trema ksh IBU RISMA
Akhmad Mutohar (12/06/2016 21:31)
Hampir tiap mlm nonkrong d taman lansia