Komentar :
Andrean Luhukay (26/05/2018 06:20)
It goes back when i was in junior high school this place have a very good facilities for sport
Ing Kien Tjoa (29/04/2018 12:27)
Nice place to take a photo
tiara natalia (01/02/2018 18:28)
Dina widayanti (30/01/2018 06:24)
very good park
Taufik Wibawanto (09/08/2017 01:21)
Fresh and green
Manikandan Alagappan (05/04/2017 00:02)
Outdoor tannis and basketball, little old park, need good maintenance.
Gregorio Rusli (23/10/2016 12:50)
i live near the park so i know exactly how the park looks like ,the park need renovation,a drinking fountain and they need to take a good care to their plants
Iyoss Wazzo (18/10/2017 02:57)
Lapangan basketnya recomended + murah, 50rb/jam, minusnya hanya toilet yang tidak berfungsi dan lampu yang mati sebagian.
Sby Sby (07/03/2017 02:15)
Bagus buat jogging
Joko Riantono (24/01/2017 16:33)
Lokasi untuk berolah raga jalan2 hawanya dipagi sangat sejuk dan aman
Angel Acinorev (22/01/2017 16:52)
Bisa buat main tennis atau basket, outdoor. No roof.
Fran Homesa (17/07/2016 10:11)