Komentar :
dony Pentol (19/04/2018 23:34)
Place at cetre surabaya
Ervin Ghozi (19/04/2018 05:50)
Lumayan bagus
Zheng Ougrh (14/04/2018 05:32)
Nice Garden with varieties of trees, Shurbs & decorative vegetations & plants
Well maintained Garden, lively leaves & varieties of flowers
The Mini Soccer Field were probably of plastic grass, but it looks good
Clean overall scene, even on closer inspection may reveal some cleaned mark of blemishes
This Venue is public place, everyone can enjoy doing various healthy things, like walking, jogging, sitting, listening to earphone, fitness exercises, sometimes also yoga, playing soccer match (mini field), & other games
Kaleb Nugraha Riva (28/03/2018 12:51)
This is one of some picturesque city squares in Surabaya. People spend their leisure exercising, sightseeing, or just enjoying their dinner here. You can find some street vendors around the park. In spite of being crowded, you can still find enough parking lot here.
muchammad suriyanto (23/03/2018 15:46)
Nice place n free wifi 😁
Bravo Vermeulen (17/03/2018 23:02)
Good for hangout. There's a futsal court for you who wants to play with your friends, located in city center and has an iconic statue of the country's first president.
zaqi zen (10/03/2018 08:32)
comfortable park for resting, hangout, play games or another outdoor activity
Hendro Pramono (26/12/2017 03:13)
Historical view and a good place to gather
yves frombelgium (14/12/2017 07:43)
Impressive statue
achmad shalahuddin al-ayubi (14/10/2017 23:09)
On of the best place or park for hangout and doing sport with family and friends
Zidane Aldani Fitrah Ramadhan (14/10/2017 07:36)
Sebelah kantor pos yang ada coffeetoffee nya dengan tempatnya yang sejuk, very good 👍
Nena Zakiah (21/08/2017 13:36)
Kalau malam, nongkrong disini nggak nyaman. Hampir selalu ada pengamen yang lalu-lalang beberapa kali. Dan beberapa pengamen nggak sopan, apalagi jika kita menolak ngasih uang mereka bakal marah-marah dan mengumpat. Tapi selain itu, tempat ini iconic. Ada patung pahlawan, taman yang rindang dan lapangan olahraga di belakang. Seringkali tempat ini dijadikan tempat berkumpul atau latihan.
Hikmah Ayu Setiohadi (09/08/2017 09:02)
Another nice place to hangout in Surabaya. Not crowded as Taman Bungkul, this place offers silence. You can take pictures with Grahadi Building as the background. Behind this park, there's so many food areas you can visit. Maybe, the park isn't clean but it's better than Taman Bungkul.
Teguh Hariono Bin Turyat (30/07/2017 17:14)
nice place
Budiono Sukses (20/06/2017 07:16)
Taman Apsari di seberang Gedung Negara Grahadi Surabaya. Ada patung Gubernur Suryo di tengahnya. Pepohonan rindang menambah sejuk suasana
Ian Firstian Aldhi (17/06/2017 21:31)
Sering banget kesini, serasa alun-alun tapi bukan alun-alun. Ada lapangan futsalnya lho
Citra Margaretha Prastiyono (18/05/2017 05:27)
Cocok buat kumpul bareng temen, tempatnya asri,banyak penjual makanan minuman disamping-sampingnya
Ardyan Syafaat (17/04/2017 02:58)
tempat yang cocok buat berteduh wkwk
Towie Baskoro (12/04/2017 13:46)
Taman di tengah kota selalu menyenangkan...
frengky hendriaji (13/02/2017 14:50)
Lumayan buat alternatif kongkow,refreshing ditengah kota