Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

Stilrod Cafe

Sampang, Jawa Timur
Klasifikasi: Restaurant, Cafe, Bakery, dan Bar
Alamat: Jl. Juwono No.2, Darmo, Wonokromo, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60241, Indonesia
Rating: 4.20
Telp: +62 31 5683336

Komentar :

widi ary (07/08/2017 09:47)
convenient place. Good menu and standard price

angga imagee (26/04/2017 00:37)
Cozzy place, good meal, fair price

Nita Indriani (28/01/2017 16:10)
Good surrounding, fast internet, well - tasted dish but the Coffee is too sweet for me. Menu ranged mostly on Western food. They have live music in weekend, I appreciate it so much.

Price is somehow moderate compare to similar café in Sutos. Toilet is clean really appreciate it also.

In my visit, the accoustic band is the good one, and the sound system is well arranged. Music range is around top 40 collections.

Ari Priyanti (01/12/2016 16:11)
Pricey but taste ok. I was waiting for about an hour for my mushroom soup. when my pizza served, it wasnt warm anymore. But taste oke

suramul mfk (30/07/2016 04:42)
the cafe it's very impressive. And I LOVE IT SO MUCH. Like I'm in other country. Amazing. Everyone have to go to this Cafe. It's amazing guys!!! TRY AND LOVE IT!

Purba Widnyana (13/07/2016 09:21)
It's my first visit. It took them 33 minutes for a supreme pizza? And I was their only customer. That doesn't sound promising. The pizza was not even that good. I gave 1 star just because the place is kinda cute

Cees Willemse (19/09/2017 14:08)
Pricey but yummy.

sissy saraswati (09/08/2017 10:37)
Affordable, and nice place, lots of varian of foods

koko dwi atmojo (12/07/2017 11:38)
Nice place..not too bad

Fara Dfara (07/01/2017 02:55)
nice place but service time it's not good

Jusuf Agung (15/12/2016 16:30)
Excellent place to hang out. You can work with your laptop there.

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