Komentar :
Adhista Six (05/04/2018 12:07)
Nyaman buat jogging pagi/sore hari
Pejalan Kece (01/02/2018 11:06)
Clean, spacious and tidy. It has The Canal Park to have family outdoor activities. Soon will have church and mosque built around the area. In front of the gate there are restaurants, shops and groceries to make the residents' life much more convinient. There is a pre-scool too.
roni 7055 (23/11/2017 01:41)
beautiful home quite and elegant
Benny Kurniawan (29/10/2017 05:38)
Nice view and good for run track there
Eddy Sunarno (12/10/2017 04:15)
Wonderfull living in this area
Adyka Pradana (30/10/2016 02:35)
salah satu event yg diadakan oleh royal residence di canal park Fun and Cook with Chef Ken
shabbir goawala (06/11/2017 14:52)
Nice place to stay
Steve Chen (08/09/2017 00:43)
Good place for your couple
Eldad Nuha Holong (06/08/2017 01:29)
Nice park
tommy wijaya (20/06/2017 17:32)
good residence
Charlie niliando (03/05/2017 07:56)
So big residence
Manikandan Alagappan (05/04/2017 00:09)
Newly developed area, greenish, good area for morning walk.
Dwi Antika Raya (04/03/2017 01:10)
Hans Christian Suciawan (21/02/2017 15:07)
Clean and have a green location
dodyhs siswady (13/02/2017 08:33)
Nyaman pemandangan dan situasi berbeda
Anthony Leeanto (07/02/2017 13:43)
I love the sunset at the river
Yulius Zheng (19/08/2016 03:17)
Danau buatan di milik perumahan Royal Residence memberikan nuansa yang nyaman untuk penghuninya. Pagi hari dan sore hari adalah waktu yang pas untuk jalan-jalan, bermain bersama keluarga, ataupun olah raga seperti jogging.