Komentar :
nofian Fian (23/02/2018 07:15)
Yayasan lentera Anak nusantara (08/02/2018 00:33)
Sip pokoke
Ronny Prasetyo (22/12/2017 07:52)
Komplek pergudangan, lokasinya jauh dibelakangnya Margomulyo Permai
Abdu Rahman (26/10/2017 22:10)
Godown area better if you go there using your own car or someone's because sometimes it's hard for grab or Gocar people to locate your location once you are inside there and sometimes after order car you must wait for long time.
Andrian Santoso (07/07/2017 03:11)
Sering tutup
Wiwiet Wahyu Widhiyanto (15/05/2017 02:32)
Petunjuk arah kurang, tempat di dalam