Komentar :
HJC Thijssen (05/06/2018 02:07)
Small supermarket or mini-market selling mainly drinks and snacks. Two ATMs inside that are available during shop hours. One ATM is a Link ATM on behalf of four banks: BNI Bank, Bank Mandiri, Bank BTN and Bank BRI. Plenty parking opportunity in front of the shop.
Aamier hidayat (01/05/2018 01:13)
Ela Ernawati (21/04/2018 10:30)
Ya, everything is good
sangwidhy (24/03/2018 12:40)
fafa faisha dyandra (04/03/2018 08:16)
Tempat strategis, 2 atm tersedia, dekat dengan taman bermain anak
Rachmat Willy Sitompul (23/02/2018 12:43)
Lumayan lengkap..
n andika (07/02/2018 21:25)
Deny Albatrosa (09/11/2017 19:57)
Small but complete store. Enough for daily shopping
Syaiful Anwar (11/03/2017 08:01)
yudi oke (11/02/2016 12:56)