Komentar :
Victor Sidharta (21/11/2020 14:36)
Today for the first time in this workshop I service a car rack roller whose oil is leaking on the road. Quick service immediately comes to the location & is handled by being taken to the workshop to complete the work on the same day. I am still worried about the quality of the seals that have been replaced and I just trust the repair shop. Hopefully the power steering seal is of good quality & durable in proportion to the price, so that it can be subscribed to & assisted in promoting it to other people if the quality of the seal and work is good.
Adit Saputra (10/11/2020 06:43)
successful, ci, the owner is really friendly.
and ksh advice and a lot of bonuses
2 months warranty again
Suparno VW (26/05/2020 11:00)
Sangat Puas, nanti-nya bisa referensi teman....Terima kasih banyak
toni sugiarto (07/12/2019 02:05)
Bagus, luar biasa
Seto Awan (20/04/2019 12:55)
Bagi yg mau perbaikan power steering di tempat ini, mohon untuk jangan bersedia untuk dimodifikasi jalur high press nya.. karena terlalu berbahaya,, baru saja mobil Alphard yg saya temui di Trawas terjadi kebakar karena ada kebocoran pada selang modifikasinya..
Tolong lebih berhati-hati saja...
Sujatno Tanidjan (10/01/2019 05:35)
You must ask first the cost of services.
Agus Hantoro (29/06/2018 08:00)
Trimakasih duta stir atas pelayananya.. Mohon di pertahankan kualitas kerjanya...
Wealthy Player (29/06/2018 07:28)
Owner is very friendly :-D power steering service is good and owner is also quite informative
Apriyanto Putera (10/05/2018 01:44)
Bit expensive
jersey johnny (20/09/2019 06:58)
bagus banget...
sugik FU (21/05/2018 06:23)
Untuk masang ps d twincam kira2 habis berapa ya pak.bersihnya?
Ali fachrudinboyz (10/05/2018 03:49)
Coba Aja sendiri gak baik menjelekan org...
Ahotz Ahotz (05/05/2018 08:09)
1. Mahal bangetttt, awal deal ongkos perbaikan rack steer 2,5 jt lha kok jadi 3,3 jt pas minta billing
2. nyelesaikan kerjaan rack steer dan pompanya Power steering, selesai2, malah nambah penyakit ke yang lain (magnetic clutch),balik lagi ke bengkel dengan tujuan claim, malah dikasih penyakit yg sama..pegel bolak balik menyita waktu, sy masih ada garansi sih sebetulnya tapi mendekati hari lebaran sy ga mau gambling lagi soal waktu dan tenaga, rencana magnetic clutch mau ane percayakan ke dens* saja.
Cak Farid (24/02/2018 05:04)
Sangat recomanded utk kawan2 yg punya masalah dg power steering.
Vivi Matandatu (12/02/2018 02:35)
Bnyk pertimbangan akhirnya mobil saya bawa k duta stir ahlinya stir mobil..masalah harga no sekian,,yg penting stirnya aman dan berfungsi dgn baik..
Sony Cobra (28/07/2017 15:36)
Danu Prianggo (27/04/2017 05:33)
Masternya stir di aurabaya...
Rudy Prihartanto Tanto (04/10/2016 14:13)
Mudah carinya ....jelas dan gamblang.