Komentar :
Robby (24/02/2018 06:25)
Shiny... Blinking... Love it
Suwarno Suwarno (27/01/2018 04:35)
Sopon cs nya..
Martin Kolondam (15/12/2017 09:46)
Fast and clean
Eko Boediarto (18/07/2017 03:21)
Mobil saya interior terasa spt baru.. sayang bau "lama" nya tidak bisa 100% hilang. Para pekerja sangat ramah dan baik.
Anthony Lu (25/07/2016 23:36)
They know how to treat the car well.
They don't use any Kanebo Towel because they know that it will makes swirl marks on the car.
Only use great products from Meguiars.
Ilham Rahmantyo (06/09/2017 08:44)
Bersih, detail,
abi rochman (13/06/2017 12:45)
Di lobby bau coffeenya enak 😊😀
Wennykiki (21/02/2017 16:51)
Suami langganan cuci wax disini, dibanding cuci mobil lainnya, auto art unggul banyak la ya, baguss.. Tp skrg mas2nya pada baru semua jd kadang kurang bersih mobilnya, tp no problemo.. Hehe
Lu Kwan Ying (25/07/2016 23:36)
They know how to treat the car well.
They don't use any Kanebo Towel because they know that it will makes swirl marks on the car.
Only use great products from Meguiars.