Komentar :
Rahmat Fredy (14/03/2018 03:23)
So many oil and gas station in dumai but I think tjis is the worst. The services and accuracy are nothing here. You didn't get the right volume for your vehicle. Because of that, this station was quite for customer now. Go around for another station.
Hendri Saputra (23/01/2018 14:03)
Gak banyak antrian
Andriani Andriani (17/01/2018 14:08)
Sebelah SPBU ada jalan Meranti darat...
Kasihan warganya ,hari ini jalan berlubang berlumpur kalau hujan yang dilewati...
Hampir 15 tahun belum berubah lebih baik
Kapan lah ya...
jhoni rianto (12/07/2017 11:43)
Large gas station
Ridho Al Fikri (22/07/2016 08:26)