Komentar :
Wiwin Priyadi (15/05/2018 02:13)
Andrew Victorio (16/02/2018 13:57)
makanannya overall enak. tapi porsinya cukup sedikit. tapi tetap worth it
tri aleg (08/09/2017 13:20)
makanan khas rasa jawa tengah cenderung manis, rasanya pas. tempe kering dan gurih, empal enak dan pas dibuat lauk. RECOMENDED
Yohan niskala adi waskitha (18/08/2017 14:01)
Nasi gandul enak n mantap
Wamil Eko (24/06/2017 13:04)
Gandulnya pati yang ada di rembang
Rio Rinaldo (20/11/2016 12:54)
Two things that make this place fail to get all stars from me. First, the broth is a tad tol sweet and second, the sambal/chilli is so awfully watery and bland. Other than that, this is really a very good nasi gandul (rice dish with light soup) eaten with toppings of your choice. My favorite is the empal.
Eka febry setiawan (09/09/2016 10:20)
Makanan enak
pras santoso (09/05/2016 06:28)
Enak dan murah