Komentar :
Dian Cahyadi (13/06/2018 03:38)
Ujian klipeng disini. Dilayani dengan baik, dan bisa lulus. Cuma bayar 50ribu di BRI
Faizal Gibranh (19/05/2018 04:34)
Wing Wahyu Winarno (22/09/2017 23:18)
To get your driver license or to register your vehicle, here is the place. Unfortunately, it is still far from computerized systems, so that you have to photocopy documents and go from one counter to other counters. Don't expect efficiency here.
Puput Riani (30/03/2017 12:59)
Great police office.
Qomari el_f4qiR (14/01/2017 21:05)
Ngurus bpkb mutasi disini, dan dilayani dg baik👍👍👍
Muhammad arif (05/01/2017 20:03)
GoogIe, Inc. (05/10/2016 00:55)
Bayar pajak kendaraan bermotor disini.
Nggak ada calo-caloan lagi.