Komentar :
TYA TATA (15/04/2018 05:06)
Dapat menjadi rumah ke dua, sering pulang sore, gurunya asik, temennya gayeng...
Yuan Art Games (21/05/2017 14:06)
My 2nd home
Frans Herdi (13/05/2017 23:38)
Sekolah SMP swasta favorit yang dikelola oleh bruder fic. Dahulu SMP ini bertempat di jl p Senopati, yang sekarang untuk SMA
Jonathan Kristofer (23/04/2017 12:39)
It's the best local junior high school in Jogja, this school has so many facilities such as free WiFi, computer lab, science lab, sports hall, and a soccer field. It also has so many extracurriculars such as swimming, soccer, basketball, technology, photography, etc. In this school there 2 organizations that you can join, it's OSIS an organization to help other's and making school programm, and Dewan penggalang or scout's leader, it teaches the student in scout.
Dhani Chrisna (02/01/2017 02:28)
Nice school, when i was there.
Irene Saphira (29/07/2017 05:45)
Alumni PL 1 nihh
Deky Prasetyo (17/01/2017 08:23)
Sekolah bagus
nikolas gilarso (28/12/2016 10:33)
Byk berjumpa anak2 muda yg kreatif disini
Mula Hutagaol (07/05/2016 10:41)
Saya alumnus SLTP Pangudi Luhur I Yk, lulus tahun 1997. Tidak terasa sudah hampir 19 tahun berlalu. Perkembangan fisik bangunannya cukup pesat, namun demikian bentuk aslinya masih tetap terlihat.
HANAN YUSUF (27/04/2016 15:35)
KUNTO AJI UTOMO (23/05/2016 23:38)
Wini Sesaria Riwu (16/02/2013 10:44)
almamater SMP :D guru yang asik, tempat yang sejuk!