Komentar :
Faqih Mahardika (24/01/2018 12:33)
Great school, Great teachers, Great pupils.
Bagus Wicak (12/06/2017 00:33)
Tri Sutrisno (05/06/2017 04:31)
The best senior high-school in town.
Pros: Best teachers, best facilities, good climbing wall tower, best pupils with noble attitude, best memories you would ever have.
Cons: The meeting hall may be not the best because it doesn't has wall (just like Javanese traditional hall: Joglo) so the audience like always going to enjoy the sight (instead paying attention to the speaker) but it's always good to feel the breeze.
Rahmat Nuryanto (11/09/2016 10:36)
Happy to be there :))
Azahralia Refa (05/06/2015 01:33)
Best school
duta. ananthoko (11/09/2016 17:27)
Azmi Nawangjati (09/07/2016 00:18)
gm 16 mg 19
cahyo nugroho (09/05/2016 09:01)
The best memory i have
Parwo BIMA (11/01/2014 23:48)
Best school
Maulana Asrofu (10/07/2016 04:19)
anis afza (20/04/2016 04:20)
Pernah disini.
anis ku (20/04/2016 04:20)
Pernah disini.
fariz muriyadi (11/05/2015 14:36)
Kami datang untuk belajar
mas jon (07/09/2014 04:13)
Napak tilas