Komentar :
putra persadha (21/03/2018 08:28)
Nice place
Rindhy Noviana (05/01/2018 03:51)
Septiana Wahyu S. (17/07/2017 22:06)
The best mosque in Purworejo. There is the biggest bedug in the world.
Riz9u (28/06/2017 09:44)
great mosque, there's biggest bedug in the world, wide parking area
Bella Zadithya (25/06/2017 00:16)
Great Mosque of Purworejo, it has historic and biggest Bedug in the world. A must visit if you travel to Purworejo :)
Toto Haryanto (10/12/2017 13:31)
Nice place
Baskara Agung (17/09/2017 05:07)
Masjidnya besar dan bersih. Area parkiran luas dan mudah akses menuju kesini. Mudah terlihat dari lalu lintas dan dapat digunakan untuk berbagai acara keagamaan islam. Yuk lebih dimakmurkan lagi masjidnya
Septiana Wahyu Setyaningrum (17/07/2017 22:06)
The best mosque in Purworejo. There is the biggest bedug in the world.
Bellawati Dityasari (25/06/2017 00:16)
Great Mosque of Purworejo, it has historic and biggest Bedug in the world. A must visit if you travel to Purworejo :)
Astoyah Retnowati (07/06/2016 07:46)