Komentar :
Mirza Halim (15/05/2018 01:42)
Selalu jatuh cinta sama produknya H&M. Sangat bahagia berbunga-bunga ketika tau H&M buka di Hartono Mall Yogyakarta. Barang-barangnya bagus dan murce mursida ria. Tapi sayangnya masih kurang lengkap menurut saya. Tidak seperti H&M Singapore. Hehehe. Semoga kedepannya bisa tambah lengkap ya. Aamiinn.
RARA (14/05/2018 05:46)
I love this place ❤
Elizabeth Widy (27/04/2018 16:41)
Love love loveee
Marco Bakker (14/12/2017 07:08)
Bit expensive for Indonesians, think it's a shame to sell your stuff so expensive. Made in low-cost country's such as Indonesia self.
Waqqas Hanafi (04/07/2017 11:24)
Finally an H&M in Jogja. Hopefully they aren't stocking this shop with old clothes coming out of their Jakarta stores.
Bella Zadithya (22/06/2017 08:44)
Loved the clothes collection, the fabric was comfy to wear. Yes, the shopkeepers were somehow not polite, i wasn't happy with their service :ł
Alfian Finuria (12/05/2017 12:00)
The first h&m in town and I'm very excited. A lot of collections are very great
nurul huda (01/04/2017 11:02)
Its quite cool this store finally opened in jogjakarta. But the store keepers service was so different from the one i found in jakarta. They looked so arogan and warmless in mantaining guest. Snob and arogan were the impression that i catched.
Retno Damayanti (14/07/2017 10:24)
Trendy clothes and up to date style
Vincent Valen Kwan (24/04/2017 09:08)
Not bad
Fahrul Latif (15/03/2017 09:04)
Best fashion retail
Arief Indriawan (13/03/2017 12:17)
Best fashion apparel store in Jogja!!
Vibe elnovo (12/01/2017 10:30)
Good looking
Rachmira Mabima (03/01/2017 12:46)
Great disc
ayu nuarida (01/01/2017 04:55)
mbaknya yang jaga fitting room tidak ramah,judes, tidak sepenuh hati melayani seakan saya ga kuat beli. Kejadian 31 desember jam 12:47 siang.
Duwi Anto (24/12/2016 05:46)
Riski Gayuh Nugraha (29/10/2016 07:16)
Akhirnya H&M ada di Jogja