Komentar :
Giri Alifia (22/02/2018 12:22)
Salah satu toko batik yang menjual beragam variasi produk bermotif batik, mulai kemeja pria, blouse wanita, kebaya, kimono, outer, celana kulote, kain-kain, souvenir, sampai ke mukena pun ada. Harganya juga beragam, mulai dari yang murah hingga yang mahal. Overall affordable kok dengan kualitas yang bagus. 💖
Seno Pamardiyanto (04/01/2018 10:34)
The store is specialized in batik clothing both for women and men, printing, stamped, and hand writing batik, various type of design, from authentic traditional to modern fusion design, with wide range of prices from just below IDR 200.000 to more than IDR 2 million. There are discounts for some model of batik clothing. Very limited parking spot, but the store ussually not crowded