Komentar :
Alifa Putri Maharani (01/04/2018 00:05)
Tempatnya mungil dan kurang space utk parkir, tapi bersih insyaAllah. Rasa baksonya enak, pas, murah, kuahnya gak terlalu berminyak. Ada menu es kacang merah dan es teler juga. Tempat favorit kalau mau makan bakso.
Sandra Widjajahakim (10/03/2018 05:00)
Bakso nya cukup enak dg harga lumayan murah Rp 11.000 dan es teh manis dg gelas yang besar. Rp 3000..puas minumnya...bagus 👍👍👍...
Terletak pas di belakang Mc Donald.
Petugas yang melayanipun ramah..👍👍
revta fariszy (06/01/2018 08:02)
Above my expectation on the super cheap complete pack on 1 menu. Fried and rough meatball included. For a Rp.11.000, i would say the taste is really good! The red beans ice soup also taste great, unluckily too sweet for me. Give it a try, it is cheap anyway.
ezza pradhana (06/11/2017 14:07)
This place serve delicious meatballs
Adrian Hidayat (13/10/2017 22:09)
Good taste and cheap