Komentar :
Agus Harjanta (18/04/2018 04:27)
Memenuhi kebutuhan Elektronik di rumahmu
Toko perpercaya sejak lama
Salah satu lokal store terkemuka milik keluarga Bapak Achmad Takrib (beliau adalah pendiri pertama A Takrib).
Herry Subiantoro (16/04/2018 14:24)
One of the most complete and oldest electronic stores in jogja
Sekar Fitriadzini Istiqomah (01/04/2018 12:41)
One of the popular electronic shop in Yogyakarta with spacious parking area. There are a lot of products that displayed so you can compare their specification better. The staff will also help you by giving the review, test it when you buy it, and give advice for better use and maintanance. Good service 👍
alex ander (05/03/2018 13:46)
On stop shopping for electronic equipment in Yogyakarta. It's an old shop and very famous. They also serve installation. The real old shop is not in this place but this shop is very convenient.
widhie jogja (04/03/2018 06:04)
This is one of the biggest home electronic shop in town. The service is good, so does the price. Only the parking area os rather to far from the shop. Quiet inconvenient
Anangga Wirasatya (01/03/2018 04:30)
Great if u looking for price compared to other electronic store,the staff needs more training on smiling
Jeff Hahn (05/12/2017 15:09)
U can get all the electronics u might need
Mr. Mikeywiikey (08/09/2017 02:23)
Good option
widarti samsodien (31/08/2017 22:14)
Price are competitive, wide range of appliances to choose from
Muhammad Ridwan Firdaus (24/07/2017 06:08)
Affordable price
fatih wicaksono (03/07/2017 03:33)
One of the best electronic store. They got wode selection of display, also the employees are helpful
Dimas Sandy (12/04/2017 13:53)
Good place to buy electronics
dhiko sanjoyo (05/04/2017 06:13)
good price
Raymundus Galih Prasetya (28/03/2017 11:25)
Good service, good prices
Kosmas Mahendra (17/02/2017 12:22)
What I suppose to tell. It's just a regular electronic store....
Cornelius Hanin (20/08/2016 11:26)
One of the biggest electronic store in Yogyakarta. Many kind of electronic products sold here. Many discount programs.
Prasetyo Noviriyanto (21/07/2016 17:23)
Nice place for electronics shoping
windu sinaga (20/04/2016 02:12)
It's very hot inside
Rahmat Lee (15/08/2015 07:26)
octo eko widodo (16/07/2016 07:49)
Mungkin harga bersaing, tapi pelayanan cs & pengiriman sama sekali tidak bagus. Serelah pembelian H+3 saya di janjikan prngiriman pagi dan akan di telp untuk konfirmasi, tapi sampai sore belum dikirim.
Yang jadi persoalan adalah, rumah dimana alamat kirim barang saya itu belum di tempati (masih kosong), jadi karena di janjikan pagi, saya berangkat pagi dari kota sebelah untuk menunggu pengiriman, dan ternyata sampai sore belum dikirim juga.
Saya coba telp ke CS, di respon oleh sdr Nino, di janjikan jam 12-an, dan setelah itu saya telp sampai berkali-kali tapi tidak ada yang angkat.
Mohon manajemen atakrib bikin sistem yang benar, dan perbaiki hal semacam ini.
Wahyu Adi (03/03/2016 07:41)
Beli AC sama Kulkas, Kulkasnya lgsg dateng..lha ACnya ga sesuai janji, plus ditelpon ga ada yg angkat..lha pelayanan model apa ini yaa??!
Teguh Santoso (26/01/2016 04:33)
Murah, komplit.
john tea (29/12/2015 05:40)
telpon berkali-kali ke semua nomor gak diangkat pdhl aku dah bayar lunas. mending gak usah nyantumin nmr telp aja klo emang gak mau ditelpon.