Komentar :
ahmad fahmi24 (15/05/2018 15:59)
Villa ny nyaman..
Hanya jauh dri perkampungan..
Dan juga..
Pesan utk pengelola..
Mohon segera update foto2 Villa ny..
Karena foto yg tertera d Google maps spertinya masih foto yg lama..
Yg keadaan masih seger..
Tdk sperti skrg..
andhi y (04/03/2018 15:29)
Suasana persawahan yang indah.... Menu sambel tomat sangat rekomended...top...apalagi pake ikan nila goreng...
Untuk anak-anak ada baiknya disediakan kolam renang khusus dan tidak dalam....
sam kadarisman (18/02/2018 01:59)
Free wifi
riz fari (11/02/2018 08:08)
I spend my holiday here for 2 days, a great place with affordable price, the view is great but really cold when it turns night. You can swim here, play football or even fishing. The thing i dont like in this place is when the water run out, i have to wait when i want to take shower and the manager didn't even try to make up to dates place, so you will see old thing here like ps2 or old proyector. Conclusion is they have great view with affordable price. But they can't served delicious food and the place is kinda old.
Fay Lubis (28/10/2017 07:33)
worth the travel
sherly jaya rosita (03/07/2017 15:00)
good view and good place
Mul Yati (30/09/2017 23:55)
Tempatnya nyaman. Suasana Segeerr.. Apalagi sungainya... Pokoke top dech..
Aulia G. Zulfakar (29/08/2017 08:37)
Adem buat honey moon recomended banget.. #herangmatatiisceuli
moh zamroni (13/08/2017 07:02)
Tempat yang indah untuk refreshing bersama keluarga, tempat nya pun sangat nyaman dan luas
Kafia Kafia (25/07/2017 05:47)
Mantap.. Suasananya bikin pikiran adem, gimana hasil jepretan saya seperti lukisan kan??..
Madya Dian Nugraha (30/06/2017 16:19)
Liburan lebaran 2017
Bersama sas brother