Komentar :
Exkuwin Suharyanto (19/05/2018 14:19)
Nice place to getting cool view
Tsulusun Ar Royan (15/04/2018 12:04)
Very nice view and clean but the food is average.but the service is good.price is normal
Agus Rianto (14/04/2018 09:25)
Salah satu pilihan tempat makan dan menginap saat berkunjung ke waduk jatiluhur. Harga makanan masih wajar (worthed). Lokasi yang cukup strategis untuk melihat keindahan waduk dan bendungan dan pemandangan sekitarnya. Makan sambil menikmati waduk, tanaman buah. Terdapat rumah pohon dan miniatur deck kapal. Fasilitasnya tersedia musholla kecil ber ac, tempat wudlu dan toilet.
Boyke Sutendi (27/01/2018 11:42)
Nice hotels but little bit expensive
Li Mu (25/12/2017 02:28)
Rahmat Hidayat (06/12/2017 11:48)
Nice view
Gita D. Astari (27/08/2017 07:49)
The rooms are nice (I stayed at Super Deluxe) but the TV channels are boring. The food at the restaurant isn't up to my family's expectations (too salty). I've currently been waiting at the lobby for at least half an hour because the person who is supposed to check us out of the rooms is nowhere to be found. I won't come back here.
(Also there's minimal signal reception for your mobile phone in the area, and the WiFi doesn't reach the rooms.)
P R A S E N A A J I B U W A N A (08/12/2017 16:14)
M. Syarifudin (10/11/2017 08:53)
Nice place
Ade Ridwan (23/09/2017 08:43)
Good view
Sandra Hermawansyah (14/09/2017 06:41)
Masih Hijau... adem dipandang nya utk area Persawahan nya...
Hendry Christian (19/06/2017 06:56)
Lumayan lah buat santai-santai
Tan Tina72 (24/01/2017 08:32)
Makanannya kurang komplit
Warya Aditya Away (18/11/2016 03:49)
Sangat menyenangkan
Benhard Mevis Anggiat Pardomuan Malau (30/09/2016 02:18)
pemandangannya biasa saja...
Bona Sipahutar (17/09/2016 09:01)
Kurang enak
Andreas Sasmoko (19/08/2016 06:41)
Agak mahal sih...
Andreas Syahdu (19/08/2016 06:41)
Agak mahal sih...