Komentar :
M Bahrun I Chourmain (01/05/2018 21:43)
nice natural spring water pool in purwakarta regency,
Kukuh Kurniadi (17/03/2018 03:42)
Very good place... kids want to go there again immediately 😁
Iwan Waskito (06/02/2018 01:12)
Nice place for refreshing, but the road are not smooth, even some road are bad
Ira Rahayu Niwangsih (20/01/2018 13:42)
For you who loves adventure,and looking for some new experience, this place could be your chioce, i mean to get in there you should cross tea plantation with Bad road access actually, but it was fun (for me who almost spent all my day facing traffic)and worth it when you get in there, best view, clear water, fresh air and no traffic.
Moe Dewi (02/01/2018 09:04)
Great place..Like it
Bajing Luncat (06/12/2017 19:27)
Taman batu PWK
achmad maulani (29/11/2017 01:42)
ismayadi pupung (19/07/2017 00:05)
Very natural but need to improve of the access
Agit Zulharman (29/06/2017 14:18)
Good place to bring your family who love nature
Budi Damhudi (28/06/2017 13:25)
Melani Renata (23/05/2017 04:20)
It is just an ordinary place and not as famous as what social media said. The access to this place is also bad. The road is rocky and winding. It needs more improvement and this place is quite crowded.
Dodi Herdiyanto (01/05/2017 11:29)
Tempatnya biasa saja, tapi karena terlalu di ekspose banyak orang yg datang, too crowded in the weekend, infrastruktur belum memadai, jalan kecil & rusak berkelok-kelok, tempat parkir kecil, not worth it pergi kesana
Zud Din (30/04/2017 03:00)
Tempat yang baguss.. berupa kolam renang dewasa dan ada juga buat anak anak, airnya jernih dari airmata yang mengalir,segerrr pokoknya..ada saung saungnya untuk istirahat, pada saung terdapat stop kontak untuk mencarger hp, sejuk ,pemandangannya juga bagus,fasilitas toilet,ruang ganti, kantin ada... Tiket masuk terjangkau saya datang tgl 30 april 2017 dg harga orang dewasa =Rp15000 ,anak usia >9tahun = RP 9000, itupun juga dapat teh kotak. Manstab dah..
Tingkat lagi kedepannya semoga akses jalannya lebih bagus..
Ummi Hasya (23/04/2017 22:14)
Good place to visit, but not the access way..still bad road i think
Dakri Laufy (08/04/2017 03:42)
Tiket masuk Rp. 7.000 per orang, kalau naik motor bisa sampai tempat...kalau pake mobil parkir di bawah naik ojek Rp. 10.000...kecuali pagi masih sepi