Komentar :
julian tanton (01/04/2018 09:51)
When i eat here ,the rice are not cooked. I can still feel that "aron" taste. The beef rendang is really tough and difficult to cut, the "paru" too alot. Wes ga enak lah makan sini intinya. Cuminya jg keras
Hendri Rosmawan (21/09/2017 12:07)
Zulkifli Taher (22/07/2017 03:15)
Bersih dan nyaman
Rahmad Illahi (06/06/2017 11:12)
Tempatny enak, nyaman, hargany pas.
Singgih Priyambodo (02/03/2017 11:48)
Istana Ayam Pop