Komentar :
Yudha P Sunandar (30/04/2018 00:24)
This is the biggest station in Purwakarta city. We can recognize this station by carriages stack in east side this station. Even station management has announced that people should ask permit to take carriages stack photos, but many people can take a picture easily with their mobile phone camera.
Even this is the biggest station in Purwakarta city, but the facility is minimum enough. The station management just provide toilet and prayer place in inner side. Only check in passenger can access it. Except it, we have to looking other toilet nowhere. Or, we have to wait until check in. The ticketing area also has tight space with limited seats. So, much people must wait in outer area without roof when they wait for ticketing open. Whereas, this station be a transit for a couple trains, include: Bandung - Jakarta trains.
The meals and beverages provide by some franchise bread in inner station area. If it not enough, we can find meals and beverages in station parking area.
Isna Muflihah (15/04/2018 13:06)
Tempat duduk lumayan banyak jadi banyak yang bisa duduk tapi panas karena penuh berdesak-desakan. Mushola ada di dalam stasiun & ada di luar stasiun. Mushola di luar stasiun tepatnya dari gerbang stasiun belok kiri lalu jalan terus sekitar 100 m.
berbagi berbagi (12/04/2018 04:21)
Stasiun purwakarta semakin bagus. Lanjutkan peningkatan fasilitasnya ya.
Rusdy S. Nugraha (18/03/2018 07:59)
This station has an iconic wain graveyard
Achmad Rosyid Imaduddin (10/02/2018 00:46)
This station is quite impressive with old building and a lot of used trains
Chicko Handoyo (01/12/2017 06:11)
A small station but they have a photogenic wains cemetery.
Nadhifa Smara (28/10/2017 09:39)
Clean place and have a huge parking area. Theres some colorful "bangke kereta" inside this place.
siwi subiantoro (18/11/2017 17:40)
It has a good spot for photography, too bad it's not easy to picture taken there
Gatot Widayanto (14/08/2017 06:04)
Passing by this station when I was traveling to Bandung with Argo Parahyangan. All scrapped trains were stacked here. No further action?
Tias Pramuka (14/07/2017 23:41)
Train scraps
Tamado Ramot Sitohang (30/06/2017 06:31)
Old and historic place. Very Instagrammable.
Anna Monalisa (16/06/2017 12:14)
Love this historical place.
Hendro Railone (15/06/2017 14:09)
Good place
ariel sharon (15/04/2017 15:31)
Tempat mejeng aq,nich,... cuma tiap rabu mlem doank,..pukul 01.00 (pas bwah pohon,dket pnitipan motor,... (angel;enjel,..
Moch. Thoriq Hidayat (04/03/2017 18:32)
Septiandaneswara@gmail.com Daneswara (06/01/2017 02:42)
Aku suka banget ke stasiun Purwakarta di sana banyak kuburan KRL ekonomi waktu aku pengen ke stasiun Tanggerang di sana banyak orang-orang yang pergi ke Cibatu,bandung dan Jakarta kota beruntung dapat tiketnya sampai tiketnya habis
Cipto Ariono (28/12/2016 06:30)
An old and historic place. Train station from dutch era
Harry Abriyanto (24/12/2016 06:36)
puguh azmi atalah (19/11/2016 08:24)
Like it
Rahmat Darmawan (18/11/2016 20:02)
Bagus buat hunting, view.a amazing bgt
Zaen Arifin (15/11/2016 02:01)
Suka banget stasiun purwakarta bersih dan nyaman
Satya Rahadhian (01/11/2016 07:34)
Rongsokan banyak disini
Misbahul Huda Al Rosyid (29/10/2016 23:28)
Ada kuburan gerbong kereta
eka suci niawati (01/04/2016 10:50)
Mau tanya, klo dari stasiun purwakarta ke stsiun jati negara pakai kereta apa ya ? Pilihan kereta dan jam keberangkatan ?
terimakasih ..
Irgusta A (21/03/2016 10:41)
Madih banyak pedagang tapi
Adit Lili (17/02/2016 06:21)
Koh te mnang aya nu dagng d hlmn teh.
Tpi msh knh aya nu dagng.
Muhammad Faikal Yusran Fachri (19/11/2015 16:52)
Ada kuburan kereta. Bagus buat hunting foto. Tp sayang satpam galak. Harus pinter cari waktu buat foto disini