Komentar :
RGWN TV (13/03/2020 13:08)
AHMAD FARID (05/01/2020 11:20)
Semoga cepet ² ada panggilan di pt ini.
choki gorat (03/12/2019 01:59)
One of the best taxpayer in Purwakarta for 2019
Metalia Singarimbun (01/12/2018 01:40)
Bener ada lowongan gak disini?
Anisa Lee (18/07/2018 14:16)
PT. Naxis Label Indonesia very clean, comfortable, and fun. let alone the inside of the office is very neat and cool. so that employees who work feel comfortable doing each task. Because if the work environment is good, it will create a good productivity
hezty monel (24/12/2017 09:16)
Pabrik label brand support garment di purwakarta kawasan brikat kota bukit indah cikampek
Lasmantra Putra SM (02/05/2019 03:02)
Jauh dari keramaian dan nyaman
Pakde Parman (14/02/2019 12:32)
Deket warung
Sahwi ID (24/01/2019 11:28)
rapi. tertib.
Lily al husaeri (24/03/2018 05:47)
Hesti Wulan Sari (18/02/2018 08:22)
Pabrik label baju brand support garment