Komentar :
Niko Adriyanashi (06/05/2018 03:36)
Good view for sun rise
Muhammad Idris Fanani (22/03/2018 17:30)
Best practice track for amateur
Argi Tendo (18/03/2018 05:21)
nice spot to quick hike
Dicky Ardiansyah (09/02/2018 23:47)
It only takes a little time to go to the peak. The view is amazing!
Rochmat Rusli (01/12/2017 00:29)
Great view for only 2 hours of trekking with normal pace. Basecamp, restrooms, praying room, stores are avaiable at the entry location
Dhika Mahardhika (27/10/2017 08:43)
A hike track for beginner, theres a huge rock cliff with a breath taking view. But sadly 'anak alay/degradated brats' already leave their savage vandalism there.
Miftah Noor (27/11/2017 05:42)
best place when u need some inspiration
wahyu eko Wibowo (26/08/2017 02:29)
Jalur pendakian tidak terlalu panjang dan lumayan jelas. Jalan santai, 1,5 jam bisa langsung sampai Watu Lembu. Di puncak juga banyak spot untuk ngecamp.
Cuma kalo kesini gak ada angkutan umum. Palingan charter pick up ato angkot dari Stasiun Purwakarta atau Pos Ciganea (kalo naek bus dari Jakarta).
Kalo saya sendiri sih kemaren (19/8/2017) naek Grab Car dari Pos Ciganea. Itu juga untung2-an supirnya mau anter..
Deden Zaed (04/07/2017 07:04)
A part of indonesia 😎
Iko Paundralingga (20/06/2017 05:57)
The mountain offering scenic view Jatiluhur Reservoir, we can also see the exotism of Mount Parang and Mount Bongkok are side by side
Ayub DevelDroid (20/03/2017 06:50)
Ukky MS (27/02/2017 03:51)
Nice place for short hike and camping, and have a good spot to watch beautiful sunrise too