Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

Cikao Park Purwakarta

Purwakarta, Jawa Barat
Klasifikasi: Area Publik
Alamat: Jl. Raya Sukatani, Cisalada, Kec. Sukatani, Kabupaten Purwakarta, Jawa Barat 41152, Indonesia
Rating: 3.00
Telp: +62 811-1239-933
Jam Operasional:
Monday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Komentar :

Asep Hidayat (16/07/2020 04:19)
Nice place to bring your children..

Devia Sagita (13/02/2020 04:00)
Just here for the wedding event. Actually the outdoor space where the venue held is great, but di access is sooo far from the main road, and still a lot of construction project going on.

Niko aja (04/01/2020 14:15)
little bit hot because all trees just grow up, overall we'r happy

euise euise (01/01/2020 05:41)
Even if it's new year day we still can get places for cars to park n for us to sit, but then again maybe it's because of new year day that the pools are all full n the water isn't that clean... i recomend to visit it on week day n not in holiday time... plus there r plenty of food court that we can choose. Overall it's good.

Eva Farida (26/12/2019 11:20)
Happy ajj lach 26122019 holiday with 4J..

adi aviana (14/11/2019 12:23)
Good place to enjoy time with family...
Easy to access from Cileunyi Highway...
Had so many varieties of things to do in here...
Swimming pool, mini amusement park, mini zoo, and many other things...
Quite large area...
It's just need more better maintenance...
This thing is the main problem always in Indonesia, not only for this place...
Always looks great when just open, but start to get dirty and not maintain very well after few months or years...
But Highly recommended for place to enjoy time with family...

Dini Indriani (06/09/2019 10:59)
For family time is so recommended, fun for kids and fun for selfie or wefies, so instagramable

Brewock Lonk (03/08/2019 14:10)
A lot of fun inside..good combination. Only thing is very hot in sunny day. Avoid buy snack at near parking area, it's too expensive.

Rina Mostia (28/07/2019 12:55)
cikao park, the place is wide. from the highway about 2-3 km. unfortunately, even though it seems still new but not maintained. there are some lodges which broken. for local tourism, it is ok but to attract tourists from outside Purwakarta, must be more interesting. For me, once enough.#let'sGuide

Nurul Firdha Lisyana (24/07/2019 01:08)
Complete place for your family vacation.
There is waterboom, mini zoo, park, river, restaurant, 3D art exhibition for selfie.
Ticket for waterboom idr 50.000 / person.
Ticket for 3D art idr 40.000.

Doddi Irawan (29/06/2019 15:20)
Good place for kids, kiddy pools everywhere, waves pool, white sand, outside there's mini zoo and playground, no need to bring food many food stall with reasonable prices

Maicko Erik (24/04/2019 04:51)
Good place... good drink

Hinda Faridah Umbara (24/03/2019 01:34)
There was an animal park, water park, but if you come in the near future, the place is very full. But this place so good because there was grass syhthetic everywhere so you can sit anywhere you want. But, the place is very full, so i can't enjoy. Maybe next time not too full.

Dean Adit Prapanca (19/03/2019 08:48)
Good amusement park
Good rates
Good food and beverages
Good location
Good parking space
Good water
Good attractions
Good families
Good friends
Good people

phobia kota (08/02/2019 07:05)
Package #3
2 Day 1 Night Tour Majalengka
600K/pax (min 4 org)

Day 1
10.00 s.d 12.00 Pick Up Airport Kertajati
12.00 s.d 13.00 Lunch at Resto Local
13.00 s.d 15.00 Gn Panten Paralayang
15.00 s.d 17.00 Paraland View
17.00 s.d 19.00 Dinner at Resto Local
19.00 s.d 19.30 Check in Hotel

Day 2
07.00 s.d 09.30 Check Out Hotel
Cikadodong River Tubiing
09.30 s.d 10.30 Gn Ciwaru
10.30 s.d 11.30 Curug Cipeuteuy
11.30 s.d 13.30 Drop Off Airport Kertajati

Incl. Hotel Fitra - Breakfast - Transportation
- Mineral Water - Lunch - Ticket Enterance - Dinner
- Trip Insurance - Firs Aids .

Lukman Maulana (03/02/2019 06:05)
While it hidden located near the center of Purwakarta, this amusement park offered not only good kids games but also mini zoo and big variety pools..
Sorrounded by nice river view, it will be amazing for family short escape

Rudi Willyam (29/12/2018 06:50)
Lumayan sih, buat tiket di pintu masuk bayar Rp20.000,-/orang dan kalo mau ke water park harus bayar lagi Rp50.000,-/orang. Belum kalo mau ke taman satwa bayar lagi Rp30.000,-/orang.
Tapi overall bagus sih.

Husnul Cut (25/12/2018 01:55)
Good place for kids n family..various pool choices, great variety of food, there's also a river near the pool and artificial beach too..

Difta Jaka Pramono (20/11/2018 04:36)
The place was mess up, un organized. Need more improvement in future

gugun gunawan (29/10/2018 01:55)
Nice place comportable and good view

Aaagc Jain (11/07/2018 12:19)
This place lies in the rural outskirts of purwakarta. Level of sophistication is not that good. But it is a good place for picnic if you live near purwakarta. This place has basic options of riding motorcycle, small zoo with option of playing / feeding rabbits. Water pool is also available. You can witness river flowing on the side. For me, it is the best to be in the nature.

indah nirmaladewi (24/05/2018 00:04)
Tempat rekreasi/bermain anak yg seru & murah meriah. Untuk mengadakan reuni, perpisahan kelas, arisan dll juga seru. Ada kolam renang yg aman krn tdk tll dalam, hanya untuk bermain air, bukan berenang. Dua kali mengadakan acara kelas dsn. Acara Play group & SD (perpisahan wali kls). Seru, anak2 berenang, ortu karokean, setelahnya makan (catering) prasmanan. Menu prasmanan jg recomended, enak rasanya, sesuai dg harga, hanya porsinya pas2anπŸ˜…

Shanum Shafa (15/04/2018 12:11)
Harus pakai kendaraan pribadi, masuk ke lokasinya jauh. Buat foto2 sih oke. Tp untuk kolam renangnya biasa aja, cuma enak buat santai.

Henry Awan (12/04/2018 02:09)
masuk hari senin sd jumat 15rb perorang sabtu minggu 20rb/org, untuk menikmati wahana yg lain harus bayar, tempat parkir luas wisata untuk keluarga, cuaca panas kalo siang hari sejuk kalo malam hari hahaha ya iyalah

Ai Syamsuri (11/03/2018 07:54)

Rsd Rfn (05/02/2018 09:01)

Diki Hideto Beker (22/11/2017 05:25)

Arin Fitriani (22/11/2017 11:10)
Tiket masuknya murah, banyak gazebo nya, waterboomnya keren, tinggal dibanyakin pohon aja supaya lebih teduh

Shalsa Nur Adyatama (17/11/2017 04:30)
Tempatnya bagus, unik, cocok buat rekreasi keluarga. Cuma masuk ke areanya harus pake kendaraan. Jauh soalnya.

ade setiawan (05/11/2017 19:24)
Wisata kolam renang cikao Kab. Purwakarta, wisata alternatif di purwakarta dengan konsep yg bagus, banyak tempat bagus untuk bersantai dan berfoto bersama keluarga, bebantuan alami pinggir sungai, fasilitas arena main anak dan bird park.

androllaanita anita (05/11/2017 14:08)
Bagi yg tdk mempunyai kendaraan pribadi rasanya cukup sulit untuk mencapai tempat ini....cukup jauh untuk sampai ke area nya...mgkn bisa menggunakan ojek dr depan kawasan untuk mencapai tempat tersebut

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