Komentar :
Arief Bukhari (03/02/2020 01:58)
Nice travel to Pancoran, Jakarta make distance so short
Om_Big Channel (24/04/2019 04:25)
On time with the schedulle. Even only 1 person pessenger.
Mohammad Fadhillah (23/03/2019 01:55)
Arnes pool to Bandung and to Jakarta. They provide every 30 min or 1 hour. Booking in advance will be more convenient since you don't have to wait. Weekend usually the busiest day of the week here
Maulani Pradiana (04/03/2019 15:39)
Great but cannot booking online. Only by telephone
ELLY ANUGRAH (08/01/2019 01:58)
Arnes is shuttle bus from purwakarta to bandung vv, they have pretty comfortable vehicle and mostly on time schedule
solihin (12/09/2019 01:27)
Easy to go to your destination
fitri wahyuni bramantyo (30/09/2018 10:10)
Travelnya ga on time
Habibi Azis Muhamad (20/09/2018 05:56)
Listia Yuliastuti (14/07/2018 09:20)
Ferry Norila (01/07/2018 12:49)
Air conditioned but dirty
Ilmam Thonthowi (04/04/2018 03:16)
Semoga tujuan jakarta ditambah frekuensinya di jam sibuk (arus balik) 😁
JOENG SUKAMTO JUSUF (06/02/2018 18:08)
If you booking by phone. The operator always says you can not book aseat number. Seat number have to be choose, when you come to its counter.
Panji Ismail Akbar (19/11/2017 16:39)
You should come over there to book it then call in hotline center. Because, they never pick up they phone for you. But, the price are affordable.
Miranti Putri (11/11/2017 13:47)
The first shuttle to Bandung.
Farah Soraya (08/05/2017 02:27)
Super on time. Respect!
Febrianto Andono (24/10/2016 09:03)
Meirisa Ameliana (02/09/2017 14:24)
Agen travel ini menyediakan jurusan purwakarta-bandung (pp) atau purwakarta-jakarta (pp). Untuk purwakarta-jakarta (pp) harganya 50rb berangkat jam 6 pagi, 7 pagi dan setelah itu setiap 2 jam sekali.
Cory Rizky (18/07/2017 08:51)
tersedia berbagai rutel
purwakarta - bandung
purwakarta - jakarta
purwakarta - bekasi
Yhana Sharie (15/06/2017 13:06)
Kalo dari sadang mau ke bekasi brapa
QRenjo (26/05/2017 04:23)
On-time, bolak-balik Bandung-Purwakarta 2 tahun terakhir tanpa ada masalah berarti.
강성화 (18/02/2017 01:48)
가성비가 높은 고속 미니버스 서비스 입니다.
fajri islami (13/02/2017 03:59)
Mau ke jakarta langsung naik ini aja
Dicky Sandy Pradiptya (27/10/2016 15:41)
Terdapat tempat duduk di luar untuk menunggu Transportasi, ruangan yang nyaman. Ber AC.
Iwan Priyadi (21/09/2016 03:55)
Tempat tunggu nyaman
Lukas Cahyadi (01/09/2016 08:06)
tempat tunggunya nyaman (y)