Komentar :
Ahmad Thoyyibi (04/11/2020 07:59)
Needs of pet & livestock
Complete available here
Retail and large parties are ready to serve the needs of your livestock
Service is also friendly & good
Let's buy gesss
moldy trend (09/03/2020 07:56)
andi nugroho (06/02/2020 08:40)
The most complete poultry shop in the Purbalingga region. Provides a variety of animal feed, veterinary medicines, vaccines, and cage equipment
Hidan Vegazuz (13/12/2019 16:46)
Barang bagus
Banjarnegara C-seris (02/09/2019 22:24)
Endik Channel (23/06/2019 10:15)
barang ok
Kotak Surat (18/06/2018 13:37)
Jual telur dan pakan ayamnya komplit
Gunawan golf (31/05/2018 10:35)
This is the biggest poultry shop in the town of Purbalingga. This shop sells variety of poultry food at a large scale.
Gunawan Wibisono (09/05/2018 08:24)
This is a shop where verieties of poultry food are sold. Buyers can buy as much poultry food as they can afford.
Anton C. Hermawan (16/08/2016 05:48)
Toko yang menyediakan pakan, bibit ayam, obat-obatan dan peralatan kebutuhan peternakan hewan pemeliharaan. Lokasi di depan rumah jabatan wakil bupati Purbalingga.
kos endik (23/06/2019 10:15)
barang ok
novan dhani (29/12/2015 10:55)
Mantap bisa konsultasi juga...