Komentar :
ya 007 (06/12/2018 06:46)
Oke but not sure
nurfidhah luthfiyah (24/09/2018 14:04)
Goentoer Darjono Stadium is a stadium located on Jalan Wiramenggala, Purbalingga Regency, Central Java, which belongs to the Purbalingga Regency Government. The name of the stadium was taken from the name of a local figure who was instrumental in Purbalingga namely Goentoer Darjono, he had served as regent in Purbalingga. The Gelora Goentoer Darjono Stadium was built in 2008 by the Purbalingga Regency Government as a substitute for Wasesa Stadium which is now a Segamas Market. The stadium which has a view of Mount Slamet is a stable of the Persibangga Purbalingga club which can accommodate around 15,000 spectators.
Anisya Wiwit Handayani (15/09/2018 23:17)
Gor guntur darjono is one of the sport's Open in Purbalingga. There are tools that Prepare local Government to use visitors. Every sunday held the join exercise in the parking lot.
Hanif Pandu S (21/08/2018 15:43)
Suitable for casual exercise. No lamps at evening.
Arya Rasendriya (25/04/2018 12:23)
ahmad nadzir (21/04/2018 09:52)
I often spend my sport day here because this is the one and only place for jogging on the town. I prefer run outside rather than inside the stadion. Oh there is a wide vehicle park where people often practice to drive. Many events also held on it. Hmm crowed enough on saturday and sunday.
Aris Nugroho (19/04/2018 08:40)
Imam Yahdi (12/04/2018 03:02)
Aditya Putra (03/03/2018 13:45)
Lisa Irawati (12/02/2018 09:28)
Jieng Purbalingga (02/01/2018 16:42)
Main ps
Fandi Hakim (03/12/2017 13:05)
Popular sport building in Purbalingga, Central Java, Indonesia
Dwi Harto (13/06/2017 05:52)
Nice place for refreshing at Sunday Morning
arie altern (14/12/2017 13:45)
Afri Ruli (14/12/2017 11:57)
Marita Nuraini (07/12/2017 19:51)
nirbhito ruci (12/09/2017 11:26)
Cool place
Eko Nug (28/07/2017 07:49)
Karcis motor 1000 tapi diminta 2000. Bahkan kadang tidak diberikan bukti parkirnya
Sri Wahyu Ningsih Alamsya (27/07/2017 14:52)
muhammad zulfan haidar (15/06/2017 17:37)
Pss day
Cipto Utomo (15/05/2017 19:57)
Gelora Guntur Darjono merupakan wahana berolah raga di Purbalingga yang cukup representatif. Ada lapangan bola dengan rumput yang hijau, tribun tempat menyaksikan jalannya olah raga serta tempat jogging yang nyaman. Di luar gor dapat dijumpai aneka.kudapan yang akan memulihkan keletihan anda setelah betolah raga, dengan ruang parkir yang luas.
Petani Kota (24/03/2017 14:55)
This place too much kimcil!!
Rokhmat Lionese (27/01/2017 23:21)
Sarpras lumayan cuma terlalu banyak calo padahal di loket juga masih banyak...
Serta ada beberapa Oknum petugas parkir yg mabuk saat bertugas #SaatPertandingan arema vs braling allstat
Aji Subekti (10/01/2017 23:13)
Tempat hiburan dan olahraga murah meriah mengenyangkan. Disini kita bisa berolahraga, senam, kuliner. Waktu untuk mengunjunginya terbaik pada hari minggu. Jika ingin lari-lari lebih baik di dalam stadion karena di luar penuh pengunjung.
Arkan Latif (21/12/2016 08:27)
Good sport place
Anton C. Hermawan (09/06/2016 18:30)
Ozan Bagas Suseno (03/06/2015 13:13)
THE Best
senyum hijab (24/07/2016 23:47)
tempat untuk olahraga + pameran + band
Abdul Rozak (16/01/2016 08:59)
Multifungsi lokasi
Agung Rianto (29/12/2015 03:31)
Mantap werre
Loys Vai (19/10/2015 06:36)
aNdRe KuRNiaWaN (12/10/2015 15:32)
Gor terdekat