Komentar :
nurul anam (15/11/2018 11:23)
One stop shopping di purwokerto
Daffa Wiyastama (24/09/2018 23:27)
This place provides household appliances such as mattresses, chairs, tables and others
Located in Sokaraja Banyumas this place is a mainstay for the surrounding community because of its affordable price
Anisya Wiwit Handayani (18/09/2018 15:04)
I love this place because here there are many stand interesting. Of electronic goods, building material, home interior, clothes, to kitchen supplies.
Alfian Wijaya (20/07/2018 10:27)
Nice place for buying many things to build or improve the house and also for small holiday
Aryo Bhimoputro (02/06/2018 02:55)
Hanya lewat aja sih
Dodi Zain (21/05/2018 02:59)
The best place to find electronic and building material stuffs with quite competitive price. The cafetaria offers various nice food. You can find clothes and shoes with interesting discounts.
Imaduddin Al ayyubi (07/05/2018 07:26)
Complete, you can search and found many things you need for your home
Wijayanti (18/04/2018 06:44)
Depo pelita menyediakan berbagaimacam kebutuhan RT. Mulai dari perabot isi rumah furniture/ mebel (kursi, almari, tempat tidur, busa, dll). Perabot isi dapur, berbagai alat elektronik, pelengkap elektronik, perindah rumah dg berbagaimacam assesorisnya, tanaman, baju, tas hingga kosmetik ada semua disini.
Gaby Clarisa (15/04/2018 21:46)
Harga menarik. Worthed. Lengkap. Kebutuhan konstruksi bangunan memadai dan harga sangat bersaing.
Kekurangannya: panas, pakai kipas angin, dan kadang barang seri yg qt cari kosong.
Saran: buka cabang di jogja & kota lain
Nugraheni Vita Rachma (15/04/2018 03:01)
Lengkap. Ada waterpark. Elektronik, bahan bangunan, furniture, peralatan dapur penyimpanan kamar dan kamar mandi. Bedding dan pakaian beserta asesories. Lokasi nya luas. Panas karena tidak berpendingin ruangan. Tersedia toilet dan mushola yang cukup bersih. Menu Food area sepertinya perlu ditambah lagi
Aar Soed (06/04/2018 09:09)
The store is bigger than others and the most important is it sale the cheapest price
saju batik (29/03/2018 12:50)
Fav place to buy any needs And foods.
dyah ayu hadiati (22/03/2018 11:23)
Pretty complete home depot, few discount here and there
denu wibowo (05/03/2018 14:45)
big mall...for electronic, kitchen set, hard ware, interior, exterior and more..
jefta Willy Setiady (19/12/2017 06:53)
Lengkap, harga baik
SinaSayane (06/11/2017 16:42)
One stop shopping and the item they sell all new brand
kia azkia (30/10/2017 10:17)
A complete and affordable one stop shopping place in town
Muhamad Salim (01/10/2017 07:29)
It's amazing place ever I came..
desca tri paulus (12/09/2017 12:48)
More big more nice to visit here
Muhammad Alif Naufal (07/09/2017 03:39)
Great place, it's like mall but there's a swimming pool in the centre
Medy Arifin (10/08/2017 16:20)
One stop shopping. All is available here
Achmad Sudjadi (27/07/2017 08:26)
Good place for shoping
Meta Akhmalia (19/07/2017 23:31)
You can find any kind of electronic and furniture you need, or just sightseeing..
FC family (01/07/2017 02:47)
One of the places to find the most complete building materials for Banyumas residency area
Rana Fathares (12/06/2017 22:27)
If want to search for your needs for moderate prices
Alvis Nabeel (21/05/2017 12:47)
The Best retail and grocery place in this town
luqman ramadhan (25/02/2017 20:07)
Good place for your interior needs
Windu tri leksana (20/02/2017 04:21)
The price is good, so many various product
Ani Kurnia (05/01/2017 15:35)
Recomended home apliance shopping
Stella A (31/12/2016 05:48)
The one stop shopping place where you can find everything you need for your home, from small stuffs like kitchen utensils until big stuffs like air conditioners, television, and many more. I might say Dipo Pelita is the most complete store in Purwokerto.
Tiar Setiawati (29/09/2016 04:59)
The biggest retail at purwokerto. You looking forward of sony products. Please visit here!!
Tutut Sidi (23/08/2016 15:41)
Mencari bahan bangunan, mencari furniture dan elektronik sambil berekreasi dengan keluarga? Depo Pelita sangat lengkap untuk keperluan Rumah tangga.
bagus sudrajat (12/06/2016 11:07)
Butuh kebutuhan rumah tangga? Semua ada d depo pelita
Dirk R (05/06/2016 18:10)
Good place for your building needs
M. Sani Habib Mufi (14/04/2016 22:46)
Komplit murah
Gigin Ginanjar (15/03/2016 15:03)
Electronic city-nya pwt. Sayang showcase barangnya agak kurang diperhatikan. Harga cukup murah dan cukup lengkap. Hanya kalau pasang ac biaya pasangnya cukup terhitung mahal