Komentar :
Fairuz Zaki (27/05/2018 12:06)
Satu tempat multi fungsi untuk kumpul sanak saudara maupun teman. Spot terbaik untuk melihat secara langsung lalu lintas kota Purwokerto di malam hari.
Hera Nobita (13/05/2018 14:53)
When you are missing your favorite childhood era, go to heree~~~ you can enjoy spending night time in here~~
Adi Nugroho (01/05/2018 15:53)
Just an ordinary town center, but for locals it has a lot of memory here. A mall has stood right in front of it. There are many food stall around this "alun alun". You may found traditional and authentic food here. Beside it, is the masjid agung Baiturrahman
Bustanuddin As Suaidy (29/03/2018 12:01)
It's where you can easily find Banyumas local wisdom. The Ngapak Javanese is used as a core language for daily communication there. Family mixed gathering is naturally happened every weekend.
They enjoy the town square a lot as a social fun circumstance. Unfortunately, one bad (uncivilized) habit done by most people visiting the square is their littering. They do not know what trash-bins for ;(
Della Alvita (09/03/2018 03:25)
It’s a good place to take a walk and so many culinary we can buy.
Simon Anggono (25/02/2018 05:22)
Alun-alun Purwokerto is the best place for quality time for family at there we can find kuliner,cars remote control for children and in front of Alun-alun is Rita super mall
DIHAN MUHARAM (04/02/2018 03:22)
Fresh air. Open aired. Free wi fi.
Afif Amrulloh (03/01/2018 17:13)
too crowded during weekends and public holiday. difficult to find a parking lot. too many vendor inside the square and there is rubbish everywhwere. if you wanna come here, better on weekday.
Muhammad Nizar (02/09/2017 05:28)
Sebentar lagi dipasang videtron/layar lebar ukuran 8×4 meter. Bakal terlihat metropolis kawasan alun-alun Purwokerto.
Aldiansyah pria ardani (01/09/2017 17:33)
Alun-alun kebanggaan Purwokerto yang pas untuk memghabiskan waktu bersama teman dan keluarga. Kulinernya juga komplit. Ada air mancur warna-warni juga. Dekat juga dengan Rita Super Mall..
Anroe Smile (29/08/2017 16:05)
Pusat Kota Purwokerto yg lumayan cukup ramai, apalagi weekend dan hari minggu.. Cukup dekat dengan Mall Rita Pasaraya yg belum lama ini dibuka... Sayangnya rumput kurang terawat.. Parkir di area yg tidak semestinya terutama yg ada tanda dilarang parkir..
Waqqas Hanafi (23/08/2017 14:41)
Pretty lively town square.
Zakin Rifat (23/08/2017 00:50)
Salah satu pusat keramaian di Purwokerto. Walau rumput kurang terrawat, setidaknya ada beberapa icon seperti air mancur, signage "Purwokerto" dan segera dipasang videotron milik pemkab.